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Posts posted by Grimez

  1. You are such an inspiration to us all. My deglazer has been taking FOREVER to arrive but i'm still hoping to get it by the end of the week. Its coming from Florida, but i've gotten packages from California faster than this. It took 3 days just for them to deliver it to USPS! Anyway, good luck with the elastic and removing your tape, i will be following this thread to the bitter end.

  2. Update: The tops of these shoes aren't high enough to stay under the shins. I would recommend following the same process but with a more accurate pair.


    Got these in the mail today, they are slippery as all get out from the plain flat soles on them. You can hear them slide across the carpet when you use them. Otherwise they look nice. Here are some pre-painting shots:





  3. That's why I didn't buy those. For me, it makes little sense to drop $200+ on something I'll have very limited opportunities to troop in. If you're situation isn't like mine and you plan to do a lot of trooping, then maybe the Loakes are a good investment for the reasons Soren stated.


    My Bass boots are good for Specialist anyway, so it's a no-brainer. But you -- a future FISD trooper, might want to wait out the 10 weeks for the TKboots or open your wallet for the Loakes if you want that Centurion award.

    Of course you could always get the boots you want now, and upgrade later.

    In the end this route is ultimately cheaper, I got free shipping on the boots so that saves me roughly $20 compared to TKboots. The price was about 56, compared to 69 for TKBoots, and I will get them tomorrow, as opposed to 10 weeks from now. Of course if I decide to I can always get TKBoots or similar down the road but these made the most sense to me imo.

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