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Posts posted by Grimez

  1. I tried using one of the old chest-ab straps on the cod piece but it makes it tight to the point where I can't really walk when its snapped. I'm going to add another strap or two along the right side to even out the spacing. The butt plate feels a little large. It lines up with the edges of the kidney plates when pressed down, but I dont have any straps doing that currently. I might ad an ab-butt strap to hold down the corners.




  2. Time for an update that isn't really an update but still sort of is since i've done something that i've been pushing off until now. I installed that pesky s-trim. I'm considering opening up that second bottle of e6000 and putting it back on so it wont just rely on compression to stay on. It made what was already a tight fit tighter but I can still fit my head in. It does however bring up item #2.



    I emailed Mike from Trooperbay about this but didn't get a response, so i'll ask you guys. I need my head to stay pushed into the petal foam and into the lenses and for it to stay there when I look around for best comfort and visibility. Basically it works best when my face is practically smashed up against the faceplate (eyes in the right spot of course). So I need to figure out where to put this chinstrap to help do that. The side petals by the ears arent glued on and i can lift them up to put the chinstraps under those if need be. My main issue (after installation) now is wondering how im going to fit my hands up into the helmet to snap it in place with that lovely new s-trim there. Here are the pictures I took of the inside to show where it should be placed.






  3. You're killing me, Ron. Regardless, the bells were still pretty loose. And i've already cut off the old straps - wasn't too difficult. And it does look like i need to place it about an inch above the bottom. I haven't done any of the shoulder or torso strapping yet as i'm waiting on the 30 piece snap webbing from Redforce. How long should I make the shoulder elastic?

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