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Posts posted by DizzyStormtrooper

  1. When I shape my parts, I wear my welding gloves,cuz abs takes longer and has to get hotter, too hot to touch at the point that it can bend. If yours are hips it won't take long and can be done at cooler temps. you should just be able to heat up the middle to open it up a bit at a time

  2. The wireless mics are rare aren't they? Anyhow the headset the comes with it, you have to put really close to your mouth for maximum performance, angle it away slightly so when your pronounce P's F's and S's it doesn't go directly into the mic.


    The ptt cable is pretty much a necessity, with icomm or not. It makes a chk sound when pressed and conserves battery life. Cover the button with a small water balloon before putting it in your glove to extend life and prevent sweat from ruining it

  3. Random trooping questions can go here, please share experiences or ask more since technically this doesn't fit anywhere else on the forum



    1. When you're dressed up for a movie midnight release, I assume everyone want pics with you, but you still sit there in your armor the whole length of the movie? Doesn't the edges on the butt plate 'dig in' after awhile, or do you take it off?


    2. When at a mall or store event, where do you suit up, bathroom etc.? (since at a con its usually in back of the display, unseen)


    3. What is THE most common question you get asked?


    4. Most embarrassing moment



  4. Nah, I'd be part of the team to go find them droids.


    "this door's locked, move onto the next one"

    "but what if they're in this one?"

    "i just said the doors locked."

    "did you try knocking?"

    *knock knock* "helloooo, anybody home? well i guess whoevers in there wont be getting this giant check from publisher's clearing house..."


    "publishers clearing house?!!" "shut up!"


    "did you hear something?"

    "i heard voices but they've stopped, so i'm going to assume theres nobody in there."

  5. so heres my 2002 anakin lightsaber from master replicas. this was the first lightsaber that came out before the LED ones with the stands. i must say, they did a great job with the metal and chrome, but the plastic and electronics are bantha poodoo, i like to think "they didnt have LED lights back then" lol so it has the EL sheet which isnt as bright as LEDs.. ive rebuilt it twice cuz it kept failing. ive had to resolder wires and all that jazz. there are parts missing and a nasty scratch thats been there from the factory.i think i can polish most of the other scratches out, but i really have no use for this at all.


    i think if i were to sell it id prolly ask for $50 shipped, but i can also just overhaul it (new clear blade, polishing, grommets, speaker upgrade) or remove the blade to be just the hilt, etc... but idk. what should i do? maybe someone in the sith detachment or rebel legion could give it some love?





    the missing green and red "lights" which were really crap plastic things as well as the nasty scratch:




    some scratched on the plastic and the plating on the screw cover is coming off:




    the boring speaker cover isnt screen accurate:




    the clash sensor, dont even know where the cap went:




    lol the greeblie snapped off at some point:





    hilt holder thing missing



    oh made in china? you dont say!



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