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Posts posted by DizzyStormtrooper

  1. ive broken this out of the closet finally! the parts were Lou's "b grade special" with miscasts and bubbles ahoy so i naturally had to pick it up being the cheapas- i mean "financially responsible" individual i am. i usually dont start build threads until im far enough in that im almost finished, so anyway...


    thanks to Vern for pointing me in the direction of templates and measurements i needed, that guys the guru of guns.


    ill skip to the major points. got the pipe cut and drilled to spec, cleaned up all the burrs inside then painted it black INSIDE before putting the bolt in so you wont see any white after its complete.

    put the bolt it slightly, then cocking lever, then fully insert the bolt so the lever is held in by the body. not sure if i was off when i drilled out the ejector port, but you can see some more detail and some numbers on the bolt, but i think that makes it look cooler, more real.


    glueing the... grip thing. idk what the parts are called but i love this project cuz its like having a real sterling. i wont screw it to the body like Nicky did but id like to for reassurance, but i want to see just how strong this epoxy is. i got it from walmart in the autobody repair section. it held when my motorcycle got hit!

    for the rest of the parts, i had A LOT of dremeling, sanding, exactoknifeing, and modding to get the mold pouring stems and excess resin off. many hours and a cloudy apartment later... (and i still have milliput to get and fill in missing areas)
    i got 2 power cylinder casts, not sure if that was intentional, but i cut off the back of one and put the fronts of the 2nd on it like this. idk if its accurate but it looks better.
    next comes mag and sight assembly
  2. you can't bend over, sit down or climb stairs (some people can), then there's armor bites and pinching sometimes. Also in the end you'll be spending close too or over $1000 for the armor and everything you need for approval.


    As for heat, lot of us use eastbay evapor hot weather compression tops and pants for undersuits, this stuff definitely helps with the radiant body heat the armor reflects back at you, and i'm in Arizona! A slight breeze feels like when you open the freezer

  3. i think darthvorhees does helmet building services but not sure about 3 piece builds, hes in NY somewhere. always best to get some garrison buddies to help. an armor party is what that is. it usually costs some pizzas and drinks etc. not sure if tk bondservant still does armor commissions, but with that kit its best to do it yourself for the best fit. afterall what if someone does it for you and it doesnt fit correctly? plus building services can cost ballpark couple hundred dollars which is more money you dont need to spend on your already expensive armor.

  4. Just do what he did: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/10434-pandatroopers-am-build-threadam/


    Your NE armor is the updated version of ours but the assembly method is the same. Do the helmet last. A so you know how the armor fits and see if you'll need a smaller helmet and B you'll have the skill from the armor to tackle the finer details of the 3 piece.


    Also get in touch with your garrison and see if you can throw an armor party

  5. i did some experiments today. if i put it in the back plate its not loud enough even with volume up to max, and squeels like the dickens if the speaker is too close to anything.

    ironically the mic also screams if its too close to, or in, my mouth lol. looks like ill have to get one of those newer models in a higher wattage.


    i have another mic thats unidirectional but its battery powered, the bats dead so i cant test it yet, would any sound engineer troopers know if a powered mic vs the aker powered mic affects anything?

  6. you will need:


    -mic tips

    -metal screen material


    -superglue (optional)

    -highlighter or dry erase marker


    1. Cut mesh into circle a little bigger than the size of a nickel (this is so it stretches and doesnt fold)

    2. Sandwich the mesh between mic tip and upside-down highlighter/marker cap like this


    3. Push down slowly and evenly

    you can see what i did here



    4. trim the excess. this is so it goes in evenly and you dont end up mashing it down


    5. pull now-bent screen out and flip it over.
    you can put a bit of glue around the inside, id recommend so it wont fall out. when installing i like to use an exacto knife to evenly push in the screen from the sides



    do the same with the other one and there you go!


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