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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Clamps

  1. Also your ear bumps are painted incorrectly. The last bumps(towards the back of the helmet) should be black, not the second ones in.


    I will respectfully disagree Jason, the 2nd bump from back does appear on a few occasions in ANH and has up to now been EIB and Centurion accepted. IA couple of references on Helmets of Star Wars (screen used photos) show this and I believe Mr. No Stripes does as well. ... http://www.starwarshelmets.com/original-ANH-Stunt-Stormtrooper-armor-helmets.htm


    The trooper on the far right in the back as Leia address Vader for first time is also not rear stripe:





    To address my AP shoulder issue, I moved the snap connection at the shoulder bridge farther forward towards chest, then on the bell itself, moved the snap connection off centre towards the back of the bell to force rotate it forward a bit. 


  2. The Canadian Garrison was invited to participate in the Toronto Animation Arts Festival International's (TAAFI) Nelvana Bouncing Ball 2014. We were asked to bring 6 TKs and a Vader. Sadly, Vader got called back to the Death Star at the last minute to oversee some slow moving construction activities. 


    Before the show we were hanging in the lobby with our fancy Canadian Garrison bowling shirts and bins and a group of folks recognized the 501st Legion. This was based on a "Cross-over" pitch meeting that they attended in L.A. a while back that had some 501st folk(s) attending. At the time I was not sure who they were, more on that to come. 


    Here we are making out "surprise" entrance:




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  3. Yesterday was build a belt and neck seal day.


    Belt turned out nicely. Width is about 60mm based on my conversion math from full sized belt.


    Here it is with and without plastic belt (still needs covers added).







    Neck seal attempt one is so so. Not 100 % happy. Things went mostly wrong when I added the material around the bottom. I must not have shaped it right as it sits all kind of fubar. No photos to share with that hot mess. I'll attempt round two this week. I have a couple ideals on how to do a better job.

  4. So in regards to sniper plate. Yes I left a tiny amount of return on the bottom of the plate but not enough to have a material impact on install. Anywho. She's on there and holding strong!!


    I decided to wedge the boy into the kit last night to get a feel for how things are going. He yelped a couple times from sharp edges and return edges digging in. But overall I think we're on track.




    Note the missing forearm is because I had to re glue coverstrip after heat gun allowed it to come up.


    I will wait until I have undersuit and boots before final length trimming on the limbs.


    Heading out to buy fabric for belt today and extra strapping supplies.



    This morning I supplemented my coffee with a bunch of return edge removal. Lexan scissors once again are fantastic!! Here's half of the pile from just return edge removal.






    Have a great weekend everyone.

  5. Coverstrips on legs are ~16mm. I don't recall if I left any lip on bottom or not. I can check when I get home. Anywho. It's on there with plenty of e6000 so it's all good.



    As for 2nd legs. TBD. I wanna get everything together and see from there.


    I'm hitting the fabric store this weekend to get belt material and a few added items for strapping. My goal is to have everything assembled before my trip to Cali in a couple weeks.


    Still looking for boots and undersuit.

  6. Time to bump this up with an update. Tonight was heat gun night. Used it to put a bend on belt:





    Thigh ammo pack:





    Also on shins to tighten up the rear after front coverstrip applied. And same with forearms. Here the rear cover strips are applied and drying.




    Lastly I put a little twist to the sniper plate as it just doesn't wanna sit right without a ton of force. Not as bad as AP but it will require some finesse. Here it is clamped and overly glued












    Last item of the night was to tap 1/8" hole for cap rivets in ammo pack.



  7. Hey man!!! Let my know the next time you fo this!!! I will drive up..wife will be happy. she has never seen the falls and i can play with you guys...its a win win

    better yet Walt, come 1.5 hours farther and join us at Fan Expo in Toronto August 28-31. Its the Garrison 15th Anniversary and we will have well over 100 troopers on hand from Canadian Garrison, Capital City Garrison, Garrison Excelsior, Southern California Garrison, New England Garrison. The Saturday White March and then group photo is a huge hit at the event. We have an amazing four days of trooping,celebrity escorts, eating and the occasional tasty bevie after hours! Not to mention we'll have a very special guest joining us this year!


    If you are interested, drop me a PM and I will get you details to get connected on our Forums for more info!


    PS, stop at the falls coming or going to get your win-win  :jc_doublethumbup:

  8. Niagara Falls Comic Con

    June 6-8, 2014

    Niagara Falls (Duh), Ontario Canada


    well, it was a great weekend where we were able to raise a whee bit over $2000 for the Hamilton Ronald McDonald House. We have a nice booth experience with a blaster range, emperor chair, Death Star backdrop, Action Figure Backdrop and our every popular AT-ST.  We have the fantastic support of the region's 501st members as well as troopers from Capital City Garrison and Garrison Excelsior. 


    Here are just a couple of the oh so many photos throughout the weekend. More to come as I find ones that are worthy. 


    Yeah, who does;t want to get blasted by Gustavo Fring! (hopefully video to come soon)



  9. Last night of minor progress for a while because I did something silly; signed on for 3 says of Niagara Falls Comic Con ;)



    2nd coverstrips on biceps

    Rear coverstrip on right shin.

    2nd coat of paint on an buttons.





    So I put sealed thighs on son a bit snug but I still need to remove a lot of return edge and most likely some height ;from tops.


    I put them on daughter and I can get my whole hand inside along with her leg. Gonna need to pad this for her.


    Ugh making it work for both is gonna be a big challenge.



    Cya next week kids.

  10. On the belt (plastic portion) I scaled down the 45 degree corners from 12.7mm (1/2") to about 10mm. Marked and cut and sanded.








    And I topped off my evening with gluing thigh front coverstrips. First I cut my strips and put a bit of soft 45 degree angles on the ends. Sanded back side.




    Sanded top of thigh where contact with coverstrip occurs:




    Then added a bead of E6000 to coverstrip , spread it evenly, wait a minute or two to let it set a bit and then applied it to thigh. Using clamps and magnets to hold in place.




    Rewarding my progress with a nice Hobgoblin beer.



  11. A bit of progress today.


    First I fixed the hovi tips. As you recall when installed to expose the entire Hovi, the whole thing sticks out too far. I trimmed the nub off:





    Than I enlarged the whole and inserted so that about 10-15% of the Hovi remains inside the bucket. Then E6000 the heck out of it.


    The results:








    Plopped a hit of paint on the ab buttons. Will need a 2nd cost and cleanup.



  12. woot great job =/ if your kid is a bean pole wearing that then my nephew...well i'ma gonna have to make tons of modifications



    compared to my son, yeah, she is major skinny. But even with with my son, there was A LOT of material that came off the back sides of the limbs. The fronts were only trimmed to the correct size to support coverstrips while maintaining the small ridge. I do also still plan to strip a large amount of the return edges. I expect there will be material taken from the ab/kidney as well. 

  13. Another day, another pile of trimmings. All limbs are trimmed to my son's size. While 2" shorter than my daughter, he is definitely thicker in all areas.



    Here are the trimmed limbs pre- glueing:





    Poor girl is a beam pole, gonna have to pad it out when she wears it:







    On the bucket topic, I pulled out the Hovi tips and plan to install them farther back, which means I'll have to lose a bit of the back half to the inside of the bucket. But it's really needed so they do not stick out so far and look like protruding tusks. Photos to come once I size things down and install.

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