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Everything posted by Jreeveo

  1. Still waiting on my legion ID, No reply from GML other than that im ready to go)
  2. Hey Vern cheers for the input, do you suggest any good wips or have any good photos to better illustrate your points? Maybe some pics of your blaster to help me along
  3. Ok, so I cant apply for my badge yet 'cause my Garrison are being painful slow in clearing me (they took 2 weeks just to tell me my pictures weren't big enough, now a week into my second attempt) So In the mean time thought I'd best make sure my blaster is up to scratch, so here it is: What d'you all think? (need to bronze the scope for screen accurate weathering and sort out the lenses, but other than that) Jamie
  4. What do you need pics of for EIB? Im still waiting on my clearance and Legion ID but I should be able to get everything else ready by the end of the year
  5. I See what you did there.... Thanks guys, It was an awesome first Troop, had loads of fun, and there is something strangely satisfying about watching small children scream in fear at you!
  6. Cheers, also I had to have this pic taken it seemed uber appropriate (im on the left with the twisted Left thigh, DOH)
  7. Thought you guys might like to see a pic from my first troop (need to harass people for more pics) We raised ƂĀ£870 for a local charity (Southend Mind)
  8. Dont you worry, my Sandy will be just need the 'fro' now. My next job is installing the fans you sent over, know any good threads? Its TM, is so purdy I always thought Hamill stated that the bubble lenses were green?
  9. The thigh elastic hasn't been sewn and finalised yet, hence the 'wonk'
  10. Hey guys, long time no post. As I stated in my procrastination wip post I'm not very good at keeping people apprised of what I'm doing. So with that in mind I thought you might all like to know that I've finished and here are the clearance pics to prove it Lids off Action shot You can see my T shirt because I accidentally tucked my neck seal bib into it rather than my under suit. DOH I do have a balaclava, just didnt put it on for these pics. Any criticism welcome, what needs doing for EIB & Centurion? Peace out Jamie
  11. With helmet For the male snaps in the butt and top right of the ab plate, do they have to be a specific colour?
  12. You are of course correct, it's TM, I figured if I'm gonna do this thing I gots to do it properly. Anyone know where is best to get a Hero seal from?
  13. @ FunkyTrigger cheers, I'm quite proud of it, and yes that was a brilliant point about storage hence the poppers. @ TKBondservnt I'm honestly not sure, the neck seal and boots are borrowed untill I can afford my own, how do they differ?
  14. Thats super guys thanks, My set up (Not my fingers tho) My initial fitting so far
  15. My first build is almost done, a few little bits to sort out here and there. What I was wondering is, for centurion status you need the split rivets, now, these split rivets were used to attach the strapping that holds the armour together correct me if I am mistaken. To achieve Centurion do these rivets need to perform the same function or can they be just for show, can I use poppers to hold it all together?
  16. Billy's design was very helpful, but may have to remake it at a later date (its a little off centre) body and scope painted (forgot to take a pic of hengstler) Allen bolts kindly supplied by gh05ty (cheers for that fella) weathering added rear bolt adjusted to fit ejector port as seen in MartinSivertsen's thread http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=16135&hl=&fromsearch=1 the finished product, at some point in the future I will finish up the Lenses on the scope. Any feedback on the final outcome would be appreciated
  17. Cheers, I just put the bracket the wrong way, easy fix. Waiting on a new cam to take photos of newly finished blaster Yeah the TM is trimmed and ready to go, keep an eye out for the build WIP over the coming weeks
  18. So lets see.... My TM Hero armour arrived on May 4th (Uber appropriate), but the story starts a way before this. Back in April my Doopys full resin blaster kit arrived an I was determined to start my build thread....three months on here I am finally relaying my progress to you wonderful people. I apologise for the disjointedness of it all as I tend to get drawn in to what I'm doing and forget to take pictures. We've all seen a blaster with clamp's and elastic band's all over it, so lets just assume mine looked just as exciting as all the rest (which it did) As you can see I followed mr Billy Haggis' thread for the scoperail and hengstler bracket (which took longer to make than expected, cutting an angle iron by hand is much harder than it looks) Test fit all good, ready to undercoat and base coat more to follow
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