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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by boomshakra

  1. All of the above, and if you haven't already, make contact with local 501st members - I will potentially have an 'armor party' when my RT armor gets here :). The spreadsheet is fun to have...just don't make a formula reflecting how much you have spent - funny how fast it adds up!

  2. Greetings all! I have posted a bit here & there but wanted to do my 'formal' hello to the forum. So far it has been a very informative & friendly experience. I have been a closet Star Wars geek for well over half of my life and after finding about the 501st always daydreamed about 'running away to join'. I am happy to announce that I made my deposit on a set of Rob's RT-Mod armor this morning and am also in the process of acquiring all the bits & pieces to make it complete (sometime in June...hopefully!).


    I would like to give a big shout-out to TD-7974 who has been my Star Garrison contact. He's out trooping again today, but I had the pleasure of meeting him & other 501st (Austin area) members (whose names I apologize for not remembering) last weekend. I'd post the pictures I have but don't have a photobucket account yet...but will have one in time to document my RT build!


    Thanks again to everyone and I hope to be Trooping with ya'll soon!




    Edit: here's the pic - Phil is in his CC armorpost-16237-0-28263800-1334426570.jpg

  3. I emailed them to the website and they never answered me and then I emailed them trough ebay and they responded right away, I think they work trough they ebay website mostly.


    Huh...I did not get a response from my recent inquiry to them thru ebay. What have shipping times from date of order to delivery been like for those of you who ordered from them (UK to USA)?

  4. Thank you for explaining that, Daetrin - makes perfect sense and is obviously well-deserved by all recepients. I would be hard-pressed to find another forum as informational and helpful (outside the other Detachment forums) as FISD. The same question might be asked 100 times here, but it is always responded to as if it were the first time.


    (whoo-hoo...one post closer to Corporal!)

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  5. While I am awaiting budgetary approval for my first set of armor, I find myself doing a mental inventory of items to liquidate to speed the process along. Unfortunately, you don't always get what you think 'item x' is worth...or it doesn't move at all, you take a huge loss, etc. So, I have other projects to work on - my Doopydoos E-11 kit has been ordered, and I am playing around with a homemade DLT-19 build. I also set aside the odd dollar here and there, have a list of relatively inexpensive parts I can afford sooner (Hovi mic tips, canvas belt, detonator belt clips, drop box 'insides'), and read the build forums A LOT so that when the big brown box does grace my doorstep, I will be ready! Best of luck!

  6. Hello all - this might not be the correct forum to ask this so mods/admins please move to the appropriate forum if necessary. I am trying to order an E-11 kit from DoopyDoos web site but it is not allowing me to pay. When I get to the order screen and push the 'pay pal or credit card' button, it takes me to a blank screen. I have tried ordering with both Firefox and Internet Explorer. Has anyone had this problem? I sent an email, but they are only available M-F...and it is ~2am Saturday over there.

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