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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by boomshakra

  1. The first thing I did was drill out the muzzle to accommodate the hex bolts. Here I learned a) that the bolt heads were a little large for the muzzle, and B) pilot holes are helpful before drilling with larger drill bits. The pix are too blurry from a close-up to post, but suffice it to say while I did get the oversized bolts put in place, the cost was ‘chipping’ around the muzzle cut-outs – which I just sanded down, glued the bolt heads and went on my merry way.


    Next up was gluing the trigger & trigger guard to the grip – no drama or excitement here (thankfully).


    I have been following bigironvault’s build and his use of pins to hold larger pieces to the tube more securely. While I thought I was aligning the pins correctly, upon inserting the grip to the tube I found that I was a bit off center…but not enough to be really noticeable unless you are looking down the tube at the underside of my E-11, something I doubt will happen on any troops. Repeating the process with the magazine produced even worse results, and at that time I abandoned the process and just used E6000. If anything falls off, I’ll just glue it back on



  2. Greetings all! My Doopys E-11 kit build has been fun so far and I couldn’t have done it without all the information posted by those who have traversed the ‘resin-brick-road’ before me! I haven’t posted until now because my archaic desktop PC does not have a card reader, so it has taken me this long to finally be able to upload my progress. Unfortunately, some of the detail pix are a bit blurry so I will have to provide a written description of some of the challenges I have endured.


    Upon opening the box it was all I could do to restrain myself from bathing the parts in E6000 and slapping it all together at once. Patience is something I have learned over the past couple of days. That, and that my dremel skills (or lack thereof) leave a lot to be desired



  3. Yeah, I was thinking that the ring that comes with the Doopys would be sufficient for certification on both levels. What diameter screw rod did you use? How did you get the holes to line up between the grip and tube? That is the part I am nervous about - having them misaligned and all cattywompus. If that was the case I guess just gluing it w/o the rods would work...but, like you I like the thought of a stronger connection. Looking forward to your next update!

  4. I have found two on craigslist - $10 for each. Picking one up tomorrow, the other one is down the road in SA...might have the in-laws pick that one up if the seller won't ship to me. Of course I found the 2nd one AFTER I ordered my Doopys upgrade kit...so I will have to order another one & it will arrive afterwards. I have my full Doopys that I am going to get started on this weekend, so I have plenty to do while I wait - armor is over a month away to ship.


    Two other sources I would look into are Goodwill and garage sales - kids grow out of/break stuff and it sometimes makes it to those places instead of the trash can...

  5. Also Doopydoo's ship to the US. They do a very nice resin DLT19.

    I thought they didn't ship to US because shipping costs were prohibitive/cost as much as DLT-19? Did this change recently?

  6. It looks like you are using the metal ring supplied with the kit - does that fulfill the EIB/Centurion blaster requirement?


    Also, is your endcap like mine, i.e. it does not have the 'tabs' to rotate & lock onto the tube? I would think that if you put a spring in there you'd want more than glue holding it on (to counter the compressed spring). Are you just going to glue it or do you have another method in mind?

  7. I echo all of the above sentiments: the forum is informational, helpful, encouraging and friendly. Pretty much any and all questions are answered by numerous sources in a very speedy fashion, and the ideas shared spark individual creativity as well. If something hasn't been tried, give it a go - share it & get (constructive - can't emphasize that enough) feedback. There is always something new, different & exciting to be found here.

  8. Well that depends - why would you prefer your counter sat further away from your scope?


    I didn't really have a reason...it just looked right when I was picking out the materials. Will have to see what it looks like holding the parts together when I get my kit. I didn't know if anyone else had set theirs up that way.


    Is 1/16" too thin for the rail?

  9. I know this has been covered in other threads, but I can't seem to find what width aluminum bar is used - 1/16" or 1/8"? I bought 1/16" (by3/4") today and it seems flimsy - like the weight of the doopys scope/hengstler will sag. I also bought a pre-bent "L" for lack of better description, 1/16"x1". My thought was that having a wider counter holder would have it away from the scope a bit more - is that ok/canon? Haven't done anything with them - sitting on my bench waiting for my doopys delivery. Any input is welcomed!

  10. Hey Eric - instead of posting a new thread, I thought I'd ask you directly since you built the same armor I will be building. What size did you cut your webbing down to for snap plates? I have a pretty long wait ahead of me, so I plan on using it to do all of the prep I can before the big brown box gets here. Also, I picked up here & there that getting glue on the metal part of the snap is not a good idea - where did you glue on the webbing to avoid this?


    One last question - how many snap plates should I make ahead of time? I was thinking sets of 3 for each side of the ab & kidney plate, 3 on the top of the butt & crotch, 3 on the bottom of chest & back with 2 on each at the top of those pieces to connect them over the shoulder, plus the ones that will go down each arm and one on each thigh for garters...I came up with 47, but am thinking more wouldn't be a bad idea.


    thanks to any & all who weigh in on this



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