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Darth Voorhees

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Posts posted by Darth Voorhees

  1. Looks good Chris. The only thing holding your Hasbro back from being elite worthy is the missing T-track on the side as it get's one more row of T-tracks to cover the row of red holes.


    Hey Terrell, this was a similar issue when i submitted my elite. The way Chris has it there, he has the 6 tracks. The ANH blasters have 1 row of holes exposed. Of course i modded mine so the row right above the folding stock is exposed, which is correct, but of course the hasbro blaster doesnt have holes there. I remember it being mentioned that there has to be some figuring as to what to accept as per ANH hasbro modded blasters. Just thought id point that out so it doesnt hold up the soon to be second elite in the ECG. :)

  2. Lookin good Chris! The only thing id suggest, which has nothing to do with Elite, is darker lenses. I got a dark green welders sheild off e-bay for like 5 bucks and there was enough material there for 3 sets of lenses, and you can cut it easily with scissors. Other than that, looks good to me, That helmet is eons ahead of that FX heh..i think you should be good! :duim:


    On a side note..You doing the TRU event end of the month?

  3. haha that looks great Lizzeh! do it do it do it! lol


    **** makes the chest look more original.

    I'll be looking for this iron on ebay or at the hobby store.

    Say isn't that iron used for applying the plastic onthe wings of an rc plane???


    Yup i got mine from e-bay, with the original intent of using it for this mod on the top edge of the thighs when i get my AP as i have short legs so will probably have to trim them down. But while i was waiting for it to arrive it dawned on me i could do this mod, rather than buy a different chest plate. I figured if i botched it up, id just go with my original idea of replacing the chest plate with a more accurate one.


    Yessir, same iron used for applying the plastic on the wings of an RC plane B)



    Stuka- Priceless info you posted, im sure ill be doing this again on something lol thanks a zillion for posting that up

  4. yup, what mike said B)


    All they did was trim his chest plate on Mark H and it looked fine, so i think you'd be good to go with AP or TE2


    I myself currently have an FX and just ordered an AP. Im 5'8" and round in the middle at around 200lbs lol Yould prolly look better in thr AP than me haha :P

  5. Hm, well the FX armor is the most common and probably the easiest to mod for height. you can trim the tops of the thighs, and if needed the bottom of the calves. depending on your specific build, that may be all you need to do. you will most likely have to taper the thighs quite a bit. But its nothing impossible. What may happen with the torso section is the chest may sit low and cover the ab buttons partially. You can trim a bit off the very tops of the back and chest plate(the part that would sit on your shoulders) and that should lift it a bit. other than that, you can also trim the bottom of the chestplate like in the thread i just posted about modding the FX chest.


    Other Armor like AP, TE2, TM etc, may be better if your thinner as you wont need to trim so much in the width of the thighs. those suits are ideal for someone 5'9"- about 5'11" or so, so, you will likely need to trim length the same as the FX kit.


    The AP and TE2 are more accurate than the FX though, so theres a plus, but they are priced as such also.


    TM is a complete original suclpt with very high accuracy, but the maker is located in the UK and the shipping could kill ya, on top oif the higher price due to what was oput inot making them.


    RT mod would be just to big for ya most likely as it was designed for the bigger trooper in height and girth.


    hope i helped somewhat, im sure someone else will chime in with more info..oh and btw, welcome to the FISD! :D

  6. thanks for the compliments!


    Chiefhawk, Yea i probably should have took pics as i went along, but i was so in the zone lol..but it really is quite simple, just trim and do the return edge with the hobby iron as per the other thread about that. Its not really all that much material being removed.




    I did trim it a bit first, just on the outter edges. Make sure you leave a little more material than you want, as that will be what will become your return edge. i basically matched the edge to what was in the center. i just trimmed the side areas, the middle is still the "stock return edge". Other than that, its pretty straight forward i think. ill get a pic up for ya in a couple minutes..


    Again thanks for the compliments!

  7. Awesome result, makes a vast improvement over the standard look.


    Ive been thinking of carrying out this mod also as the original look bugs the hell out of me too, but how far do you keep modding the fx armour before just accepting it the way it is?


    Great pics, thanks for sharing :duim:


    Thanks Mark!


    Honestly i wouldnt have biothered since i have already ordered AP armor, but im converting my FX to sandy so i figured id give it a go.


    Haha good Question.... I think i may replace the shoulder bells, but other than that i think this is as far as i will go lol. The thought did cross my mind to make the back more correct, like as in the small sapce between the kidney and back plates, and i even thought about using a heat gun to curve the kidney plate a bit like the originals/AP/TE etc. But since thr FX kit is going sandy and ill have the pack, im not goiung to bother with all that. So, im probably done with modding this kit.....but then, i always say that.... :rolleyes:

  8. One of the things that really bothered me on the FX armor was the way the chest plate curved to far down on the sides. So, after seeing the thread on how to make a return edge with a hobby iron, i went and got myself one and decided to take care of this bothersome thing on the chestplate. I didnt really document it as i went along as its quite simple to do, i just wanted to show the results i got. Its not perfect, but i think it looks way better than the standard FX chest. While i was at it, i also took in the thighs a bit more at the bottoms. Heres the pics:











    and this one for fun:


  9. Hey Chazz, dunno if you checked, but TK-510 on e-bay sells pretty nice ones. I got the thumbs up from a couple of people on the MEPD boards, so i ordered one. They are like 38 bucks with shipping, not bad, might wanna check that out if you havent already

  10. Haha neil, thats why i sold my vader, im just too short to be an effective vader, and the platform look just looks silly.


    Thanks alex, i am super excited!


    Plus i just got an e-mail from AP, he will be getting his next batch in this coming week and shipping next week! woo!

  11. haha yea, thats the story of my life :rolleyes:


    THe bike was somethin i didnt ride much anymore and it was expensive to build up, so i sold that and the Vader gear i had i just realised would be better to sell and have someone use it. Im more into the troopers, especially since im not very tall. A vader helmet is fine for display, the whole thing is just too much for me.


    So it all paid off, and ill be getting my armor within a month, i will start a build thread in the AP/TE armor section once it arrives

  12. Funny you should say that about the AP as a sandy...


    He e-mailed me saying he has a kit that some of the parts are a different hue and he can sell it to me at a good price. Im thinking maybe i should do that, make the AP the sandy, and replace my TK later on,altho im sure like daetrin said, it will look worse and worse the longer i have the AP haha.


    Hm well since a hate the kidney plate on the FX and it would get covered with the pack if it was sandy, maaaybe ill just stick with what i originally ordered lol


    But if anyone wants an AP for a sandy, hes got a nice deal!

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