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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Drftfan

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    Summerville, SC

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  1. After an 8 year retirement I finally finished an old MTK kit I had. I submitted photos the other night and was approved. This kit is a stand in kit most likely though. I found it difficult to assemble because there really are not obvious trim lines and some of the pieces like the legs I trimmed years ago. In that time I have improved my making skills. I had a challenge ahead of me by having to work with bad cuts I did 8 years ago. The arms were easier because I had never trimmed them. The left leg I had trimmed way too much off. Massive credit to Trooperbay for working me up a set of replacement lower legs. I only used the left one and there is only a slight color difference. The helmet I am very happy with. I like my armor not looking super pristine and I can say "mission accomplished" lol. The funny part of my submission is I am wearing the same lower undersuit I did when trooping back in 2013. I have replacements on their way. I am really excited to be back in the 501st. I should have never left and I cannot wait to get out their trooping again. I also already built two versions of Kylo Ren and have a Snowy on order. After that is done I will reevaluate doing another TK and am currently exploring doing a FO.
  2. I was looking around at armor reference pictures and I am sure this has probably been discussed, but it seems clear that there isnt a strap holding the bicep to the shoulder. Has anyone ever built their armor this way?
  3. I am finally assembling a set of MTK armor I have had since 2013. I used to be in the 501st and now I am looking to get back involved in my local area. Well the armor for the most part is still pretty white but there are marks here and there. I did have one pretty bad spot on the cod area I ended up sanding out because it was a little too noticeable. I was watching ANH last night in my theater room and of course the original armor was banged up pretty bad so I am wondering if that is more or less acceptable? I plan on trooping in this armor for a bit but am planning to replace it next year with a "hero" version so I don't want to have to invest too much time into trying to make this set perfect. Opinions?
  4. This armor is long gone. I emded up throwing it out. Yep really
  5. I bought the last kit before Halloween. Very nice. Loving the helmet.
  6. I just ordered this kit as well. I sold my last tk quite a few months ago and I decided I wanted to go about it again. I liked how this kit looks and after seeing your pics I am happy I went with it. Plus I couldn't beat the price.
  7. E11?? I haven't seen one yet here in Denver. I have my hyper firm which I love but really want a hasbro one as well
  8. Hey guys. I know the trooper that was selling that armor. He is very new to trooping (had his first one last weekend). I am sure he wasn't trying to directly deceive anyone.
  9. I am learning that is for sure. Until reading through I thought aa was rather original. Now I know better
  10. I already have a new set of armor on order. Getting it from tray. I think I may just put this back up on eBay and resell it for whatever I can get out of it.
  11. When Is it acceptable to recast something? We all know who maker of things is on eBay. Well I received a set of his armor before I knew better. He won't allow returns and been struggling to even make this a display able suit. It is so thin and flimsy I have had cracks from on the face plate and the ab plate. I just am really irritated at this guy. He is just flat out ripping off people. But I am pretty sure his armor is recasted from what I have read. So if you had the capability of making yourself castings from it would you do it? If you weren't selling it.... I just want to make something decent from it before I end up just throwing this pile of plastic away.
  12. There is a girl in my garrison who is about 5'3 and about 100 pounds. She is using the armor tray Nichols sells. Beautiful set and a very fair price. Waiting on mine to come in simply because I liked hers so much.
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