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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by LadyInWhite

  1. Four eons later...


    This is what it looks like if you inspect it closely. My eyebone cut looks pretty straight, so it's something about the bulging INSIDE the helmet that's warping it.




    And here's what it looks like from a frontal, "untrained eye" point of view (aka someone wanting a photo)...



    So maybe you can't really tell and I should let it go?

  2. OMG. If you ever consider posting that build permanently on FISD...you'll help many follow in your footsteps.


    How about anyone contributes!? I stopped taking pictures once I really got rolling. And I'm sure there are dozens of great techniques and advice out there. I want to reorganize it, too... lot of work. Community effort?


    At the very least, I hope this helps LIZ and all the other ladies joining FISD!!!! :) GO LADIES!

  3. Welcome, Liz!


    I saw a thread recently that was all women talking about their favorite armor. Honestly at your size you can get whatever and you'll just trim it down to fit you. Well, maybe not RT-MOD which i hear is for big guys. I'm almost man-sized so I went with AP, my friend Jenny did AP and she's smaller than you. Lots of women do ATA and AM. If I find that thread, I'll post here.


    It's normal to be terrified of screwing up. It's weird to say that now that I'm done! I've been telling folks I started with the O2 and hand plates because you can remake them yourself if you blow it, but it's good practice. Then move on to harder pieces. I was terrified most of my bucket but it turned out to be easy AND the most fun of all.


    Ladies have "special" considerations in body shape and trim, so I have been slowly working on a female-oriented build site - it's mostly just my stream of consciousness from beginning to middle. I slacked off in the end as it got easier :)http://bit.ly/zMmSAD If you find it helpful feel free to add to it!!!


    Good luck!

  4. Welcome!


    My "build buddy" JNNFR72 is about your size and did a great job using AP armor. She'd be a great resource for all the extra trimming you'll need to do. (And hopefully she doesn't mind me volunteering her!)


    I also have been SLOWLY working on a build site for us ladies, though it's still pretty generic and maybe excessive. I'm sure the guys will laugh out loud at my trials and tribulations. The original point was to organize based on women's "special" considerations. If while you build you have anything to add... https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IS7jqceqOfOQ9KqkM3fH0DaqDSp2TIWQ_q-npSSBy4o/edit

  5. Welcome and more importantly Go Leafs!


    I don't know what your wife is into but some of us gals like to TK too. :)


    Just a note, i am the same height/weight as you, but I had to shim the sides of my AP ab/kidney by 1" on either side for comfort (I hate wearing a girdle, especially a plastic one). I don't know if other armor has this issue or if it is just me and my excessive beer gut (I mean GIRTH). Even so the AP has turned out great.

  6. On 2/12/2012 at 10:07 PM, jnnfr72 said:

    Yay Ingrid!!! Your pics will turn out - just gotta keep trying. YOU CAN DEEW EHT! I tortured my hubby with taking more and more armor photos, and I'm still not done. :) There's trading cards we can order after we get our TKID. I've seen some girly poses that other female troopers have, and i soooo gotta copy them!!! :)



    We're all waiting to see how awesome you look.... no pressure... :) (Just kidding) Yer gonna ROCK your poses! :trooper:




    I dunno if I can stomach a "girlie" pose though I was thinking about doing something "different" somehow. We'll see!!!


    Thanks for all your support, Jenny! And thanks to everyone on this forum, and all the guys & gals who make/sell things to make our lives easier. It's been fun. I just want to get troopin'.

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