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Darth Aloha

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Posts posted by Darth Aloha

  1. Hello all, I am currently in the planning and wallet lubricating phase of my first TK build. The kit I have pretty well settled on is the one from Anovos. I'm dreaming of the one from OriginalStormtrooper, but the cost and the idea of possible imperfections drive me away.


    Hi. Greetings from Watertown MA. If you haven't already please also sign up on the New England Garrison's forums: http://www.501neg.com/forum/


    In addition to the expertise on FISD there are a bunch of us local folks ready and willing to help.


    Since the Anovos ship date is totally unknown and the armor itself is unknown you may have other options for TK armor. Right now on the NEG forums we are getting together a group purchase of TK armor. I think once we order it in this week it will take about 2 or so weeks for it to ship. If you hurry over there you may be able to still get in on it. There will be lots of armor parties to for everyone to get together and work on the armor together. 


    Also we encourage everyone to sign up to help be a handler for those of us in costume for events. It is also a good way to get to know us and see what its like to troop in armor. 


    The Woburn Halloween parade is in a couple weeks. We expect an epic turnout of stormtroopers for the parade. It will be a sea of white. Please join us.


    And please do not buy anything from Original Stormtrooper. You can get a lot more for a lot less money elsewhere.


    PM me here or on the NEG forums for more information the group purchase.



  2. Old javascript (used by the editor) cached in the browser could be incompatible with the updated server code perhaps?


    I really need to get off my an impolite person and test out the newest version of the forum software. The editor is so much better. 



  3. I used to type everything in my posts, typing letter for letter picture URL's...


    Edditing my profile signature is a nightmare... i don't even bother anymore..


    All in all it's not very user friendly...

    Hmm. Why do you end up typing URLs? What problem are you seeing?


    Germain: I suspect it was the forum software upgrade that did it. I'm glad it's more betterer now.





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  4. We upgraded the forum software after seeing this. I was hoping that would fix things. I suppose not.


    Germain? Do you mind if I log as you with your permissions to troubleshoot?





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    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. Hi everyone!


    I'm looking forward to getting my TK costume done.  I'm probably the oldest female recruit you guys have.  LOL.  


    Welcome to the FISD.


    There are a handful of folks of the New England Garrison up in VT for sure. 


    We'll help you with deciding on and building your TK here on FISD but be sure to sign up for the NEG forums, if you haven't already, to meet some of us local folks.





  6. I hope the FISD servers are up to the challenge once people begin receiving their kits.

    Me too dude. Me too.


    I think the new server can handle. If not Mathias and I will be standing by with our Unix duct tape and zip ties when the time comes.


    I hope to have the forum software upgraded by then as well. That may help too... maybe?





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    • Like 4
  7. Is it ok for them to have logos as long as the armor covers them up? Would you be approved for centurion that way?



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    Yep. As long as you can't see the logo poking out when your armor is on. A lot of folks get away with blacking it out too.





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  8. What does everyone use as far as undersuits? I want a two piece. But I don't know where to even start looking.



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    Any old black underarmor type compression shirts and pants will do. Underarmor brand is pricey, but I have an inexpensive set of champion brand from Target. Or do a search on amazon for "compression pants" and you'll find a ton of them. 


    Just make sure that none of the logos show or they're blacked out. 



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