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Everything posted by rikarus

  1. TK $702, very nice build!
  2. When I found it on EBay, I didn't know it was a VT, and therefore didn't search for it. You may also notice had you read the thread, that I didn't say anything about VT helemts, I asked if the seller was from here, and that it looked to good to be true. The "you didn't search rant don't float" if you didn't have anything to add you could have just moved on and not clicked the thread.
  3. I bet it's almost as annoying as getting ripped becasue you are new, and not completely familiar with everything. If it's a recast its not a good deal for me, and I couldn't ID the helmet.
  4. I wont do recast if I am aware of it, glad I check with you folks first!
  5. Is this seller from here? Looks to good to be true, but I need a helemt to get away from the AM helemt, preferrably a TE2. thanks!
  6. yeah that was my thoughts, but I want to build it for practice and to have something to wear until I get my hands on a TE2 or other Helemt that is closer to ANH or ESB style. So far I am leaning towards ANH Stunt and just ponying up for Flat green eyes. Thanks for the input sir!
  7. Yah this sucker is huge, but I am going to build it just to have one until I can grab a TE2. Looking at the tutorial in the academy i started examining the various stunt and hero versions for the movies and it looks to me, with the thin bottoms on the ear piece that I almost have to make it a ROTJ helmet. But I was curious if it was actually that critical before I decide. The AM came with four bump ears, and bubble lenses, so I don’t want to spend money buying upgrades when I plan to not have it for wear vary long. If I can I want to go ESB if it is acceptable to use bubble lenses, the tut didn't say, but the example pic has green flat, otherwise anh stunt it is and I'll just get green film. Thanks all for any thoughts advice, opinions!
  8. A ton! Thank you, I have big arms, 17" but am only 5'10" I have always just been able to put on muscle, which is why the AM I have a 38" waist and 46" chest. I ended up cutting about a half inch off the bottom, they were just pinching the crap out of the inside of my arm from being to long. I bought a sealing iron, so I figure I can redo an nice smooth return edge. I needed some good close ups big time, everything I could find was a side view and I needed a downward shot, thank you!
  9. uh oh, did I make some sort of faux pas , no answers?
  10. Ok I started this thread so I can post my pics and also ask questions without cluttering up the forum with spam.... SO!
  11. Yah read yours, but looking for some more photos, thanks for other link, I am missing something I think becasue it just seems to akward trying to fit those.
  12. Does anyone have a write up for the AM Biceps, for the easiest part they are killing me, so far I have managed to slice open the inside of my arm on the pointy edges trying to fit and spend more time dropping them when the tape comes off or tears.
  13. SO this might be noobish, but I have spent all my searching on how to assemble my new AM kit, soooooo do I need to join a local garrison to get a TK?
  14. I went to HD, and the ames rake now has WAY toopronounced taper, from about .25 down to what I would guess to be .10.
  15. holy crap! troopersupplies rocks, already shipped out to me!!!
  16. I jsut pulled the trigger on AM armor, the awesome customer service from troopersupplies alone was worth it! When I get it I will post some pics if you like. :-)
  17. Hi all! new in town and just starting the hobby...habit...er you know! I must say this is an incredible work! I have a hasbro and Droopydo kit, and I am actually considering going the extra effort like this just to hone my skills. Thanks for showing all the pictures...your blaster looks fantastic!
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