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Posts posted by gh05ty

  1. This is interesting ....


    "Is this armour 501st/Garrison Approved?


    That's simply a meaningless sales pitch used to sell armour. NO armour is guaranteed to be approved by the 501st Garrison. Even if you purchased a previously 501st approved costume it does not mean it will automatically be cleared with you wearing it. The procedure does not rest entirely on the armour it also depends on how it fits you. Nonetheless, this is very accurate armour and provided it is built correctly to fit you properly, it will most certainly sail through the strictest of approvals."


    this has to be the first e-bay seller ive seen this, most will try to pitch it that their armour will be accepted straight from the box. B)

  2. Looks great. Is that a functional hinge on top?


    If I could jump ahead, what is your plan for the end of the barrel? I have seen the standard plastic funnel and pvc...


    Nicely done.



    You are correct there is a hinge on top as i have put an on/off switch in the feeder and im using a magnet to hold the top down, not sure what im going to do with the muzzle yet but i will have to start thinking about that soon as im almost doe with the electrics :blink:

  3. "Also he said, that he never would sell me something from his stuff, cause i have a TM Trooperarmor.

    Which is , in his eye , a bad recast."


    This made me laugh! as we all know his helmets (anh) are recasts of T*E, by recast i mean he uses a duplicate of T*E's molds there might have been some strange permission involved in the dark dealings of Matt, Gino & the others involved.. but even by his own description of recasting his are recasts.


    In my own humble opinion TM's products will allways be far superior (and no i dont own any.. i wish)... not just for the fact that he has produced them himself but also the service from the man who from what ive seen here is allways friendly & punctual with his delivery.


    Funny how he still claims on his site that his helmets" touched the indide of a screen used" :lol::lol:

  4. OK quick update on this..... i have recut the body and fitted the start of the electrics into it i am now working on getting the larger details....




    still have to add a metal band around the stock & lots of sanding/smothing to do but you can see where im at with it i hope. :)

  5. This was going great, i had the trigger and electrics all set and the stock is looking ok, the main body was rough cut and the sections screwes/glued together..... But unfortunately the wood i used must have gotten wet at some point and whilst i was away for a week it was in the house and dried out completely DOH! it split one of the outer sections right along the middle grrrrr i was not happy to say the least, so... now im going to try to find a piece of 2x2 or something similar and cut the main body from that and add things like the feeder cover to it should make life easier for me as i wont have to join/seal 3 seperate pieces and where things will be added they would be seperate on the real thing so gaps/lines wont matter too much. :blink:

  6. Interesting too is the pills in the tears. thats not too present on TE or TE2 that I have noticed.


    When i first saw it i looked around to try to find out what it was but the closest i found was an early CAP but thats just a cast T*E so has it differences, maybe we will never know what it is im just glad i got it.

    We know for sure its not TM (i wish, mmmm shexy armour) and im sure if it was TE2 then he wouldve claimed it, Joe R said hes sure its not a DA so that doesent leave too much but it mustve come from the T*E line somewhere. B)

  7. It will have a red LED in the end of the barrel that illiuminates when the trigger is pressed, i allready have the parts for the electrics which is supprisingly simple... 1 simple push button, taken from a cheap cycle light (the kind that has multiple flash types so the button is simple push on, release off, 1 battery & LED taken from a cigarette lighter (it had a light in the bottom), the end/reflector of a small aaa battery powered torch to increase the light from the LED and hold everything into the inner barrell.


    I have a few things to do at home but when im done ill rig this all up to show the effect maybe with a small youtube vid. :D

  8. I know it's such a minor detail, but the distance from the ears to the tear and the shortness in height of the frown are really leaning me to VT, or possibly a HGHIPS (this helmet looks way too shiny) recast of VT.


    The distance from the ears to the tear surely would differ from helmet to helmet depending on the trimming and who put it together? ( i set this one using a guide i found a link to here ).

    I think its ABS it was just polished after the final build for he pics. :)

  9. The wood trigger wont be staying it was just there so i could get the sizes right, i want to fit an alloy trigger (looking at a red LED for the barrel) and will be using alloy plate on the sides on the grips,and alloy for the trigger guard... but thanks for the link that will be a massive help when i do get around to doing some more to the grip/trigger B)


    Maybe this will help explain what i mean...


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