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Posts posted by gh05ty

  1. I think it was gino himself who said he made duplicates of the originals then damaged them and sent them back to T*E who sold them i beleive to TE2 ...so infact TE2 has the "touched the insides of a screen used helmet" molds even if they were damaged they have the lineage. :D

  2. Other than TM, what isn't a recast?

    I think everybody needs to just shut up and wear their armor. There are so many other dead horses we could be beating as this one has had enuff.


    I agree with Smitty on this last part....


    From what i can figure out TE2 owns the original molds made and the gino are duplicates(recasts) made during the strange dealings between these people, so the gino ANH are not the "touched the inside of a screen used" as he claims (still) but are permitted recasts (would he still have permission now?).

  3. Thanks for the kind words, i know its not perfect but i try to build on a budget with readily available materials (a lot of them found whilst walking the dog).

    I took 7 pictures of the bipod and only one came out ok... bad light and lots of black paint really doesent help so heres the best pic i could get :D


    most of the bipod is made from the same tubing with a bit of epoxy putty filler, some rivets and the nuts in the ends of the short tube nearest the barrel are wheel bearing nuts fron a bicycle.

    Oh and the muzzle is the neck of a plastic bottle with some epoxy putty shaped/sanded (the cap of the bottle fitted perfectly into the pipe i used for the barrel).

  4. OK... heres the barrel stuff i missed : the main barrel is 32mm pvc waste pipe which is actually 36mm? (same pipe i used for my E11) it has an inner barrel made from the kind of tube you would see holding a shower curtain up, the front sight is a bicycle pump bracket that i chopped about and theres a few bits of alloy and 2 part epoxy putty in there.

    The bipod is made from the same bar as the inner barrel that has been hammered into an oval shape then one side ground off to create the oval shape then i simply hammered the feet to the right angle, for the joints/mounting parts on the barrel i used some of the same waste pipe which i cut and spliced sections into to make the right size to go over the main barrel.

    The muzzle you will have to wait for :P

  5. Im sure people would really appreciate that tango'd there seems to be a lack of plans around for this excellent blaster :duim:



    Hey tango'd mate do you remember the E11 thread on the RPF i said i was gonna try to do this for £20 well its looking more like £10 at the most he he :P

  6. UPDATE: band is now fitted on the stock and has been painted, the blaster body is now in its primer stages and i think its starting to look ok...slow progress so far but it has cost very little (£2 so far with the parts left from my E11 build)






    heres a pic with the cocking lever attached:


  7. Who found the part and didn't get paid? As far as the reward thing goes, think about it for a sec. Why would you expect someone to share something he has basically just 'paid' for? It was up to him to share the info if he wanted to. I felt his query was misinterpreted and everyone joined in in trying to find the part. Heck, even I did and was bummed when he said he found it but I didn't think that he was required to share what he found.


    No hes not obligated to share info... but i thought that is what this community is based on.. well maybe just here on the FISD! as for the offers to find parts i have been told that someone found the part and told him .. he then claimed to have found the exact part he was looking for and that noone would get the "reward" the part turned out ot be the one found by another member, or very close to it which suggests to me that the member pointed him in the right direction.

  8. Perhaps this fella has gone and got in touch with his inner nerd and wanted to share it with the costuming community at large. I hope he realizes that he only has friends to gain. Much more so than locking away his builds and treating them as "my precious".


    Sorry Troy but.... hahahahahahahhahahahhaaha and monkeys might fly outta my butt! this is the man who offers "rewards" to anyone who finds original parts then keeps the info to himself and says he found the item on his own so he doesent have to pay up on whatever he offered.

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