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Posts posted by Marvinrobot

  1. Actually, I have gotten only a few looks, but most everyone I work with and around respects what I'm doing. Like my boss said everyone has their thing...he then proceeds to tell me he still goes to baseball trading card conventions and he's 47, I would not have guessed it looking at him. The Autism Walk-a-thon I'm trooping on the base has really put it in perspective for many as to why I do it and they really respect my willingness to wear 30 poounds of plastic and walk around a track just to help raise money.

  2. Welcome to the Fight!, recommend you browse around the forum there is tons of info on the different types of armor and tips on how to build it once you get it. I think it's safe to say regardless of what type you get be prepared to put in many hours as you work it to fit to your liking. ^_^ My 3 and 1.5 year olds love the fact that their dad is a "stormtrooper guy". Have fun!

  3. in that case... my shoulder bells will be poking out... i dont know... padding wont do anything because it is already tight on my bicept and the back of my arm... its just feels wrong... like its sqeezing my arm... not painfully but just enough to make it not comfortable... thats the best way i can describe it... i thought about nuking it... maybe that will soffen up the plastic... i will do a test on that... any way thanks for your input Alex...


    OK this may seem silly but have you tried it on with your undearmor on? Also, most of us actually attach the bicep to the should bell with a small strap and snap system so the bicep "hangs" there. you could simply slide the bicep down some so it will hang just above the elbow joint. since it will be attached to the should bell when you bend your arm it will just slide up. Also, since your biceps are so big you could just make a bigger shim but before you do that recommend trying it on with the bodysuit. Too often when I was building my armor I would try things on with my normal clothes only to find out it fit differently once I put on the bodysuit.

  4. The FX kit for the armor is what alot of us wear, but consider the kit was sculpted for what seems to be a person 6+ feet tall. The helmet is way oversized for anyone about 5'10". You will definitely have to work the FX suit to fit you, but that is truly 90% of the fun in costuming. That looks like costume junkies work which is what I have, it is a decent start, again contact your GML and get with your local 501st guys. I did lots of research before my first armor but did not expend the energy to seek out more help from my local garrison. I don't recommend you follow my lead on that part. As for the blaster, go to Amazon.com and then get the resin mod kit which can be found on e-bay. The caboots is truly your best option, they may cost $80 but they are accurate.

  5. Ditto on the pics...when I first started I though the thigh seams should be facing a certain way and after I was done I noticed one of my thigh seams did not line up. I almost took a dremel to it and then realized I had put the thigh together wrong...there is a correct direction for this stuff. ^_^

  6. I'm just not down with getting orders to the 3rd Deathstar....You know that thing would be unstoppable if it didnt have a "main reactor" talk about an achillies heel....


    it's not so much the main reactor as it is that asthetically pleasing exhaust port...right below the main port, appearantly boarding it up was cost prohibitive :D


    That is truly a poster shot

  7. So are we saying this is going to be an approved costume? Is someone already working one ar are we still in the CRL stage? By the way should we have some link to the plain clothed TK/CO from ANH incase we want to work one or do we have to just register with the Imperial Officers Det to go that route? For me TK with or without armor is still a TK...does that make sense? But before anyone jumps my chili I do understand the Det are there for ease of costuming and not for paramilitary purposes.

  8. i was issued two poncho's when i first joined the airforce many many moons ago... i think i still have them... now we use gortex issued items... i like them ok, but when its hot and rainy, gortex just doesnt do it... the last time i deployed i found a stash of desert colored poncho's.... jackpot... then i remembered it didnt rain in the desert where i was... oh well... :blink:


    What do you do in the AF...I'm AF too. Isn't that funny about desert ponchos...I bet we bought lots of those at rock bottom prices.

  9. First off minor correction/clarification, I used glue to attach the cap to the back to make it look like other helmet kits as far as starting point. I also used glue around the lenses. The "no glue" was in reference to the front and ear pieces. OK back to what I was typing.


    I did my first build with all glue to include the 2 ear pieces with bolts, the helmet did not breath and actually looked...different. Air did not circulate well even after venting the frown. After a few weeks the glue started popping loose on the front. Riveting the ace plate has made a huge difference plus now the face won't pop off.



  10. We still issue ponchos, but also have jacket/pant style rain gear...whenever I deploy I still take my poncho with me, the last use was as a pillow in my sleeping bag on my cot in my GP Large tent. I forgot to bring a proper pillow, no need to buy one when I had the poncho.

  11. Tony,


    Praise God for your recovery...glad to see you back. Echo all the medical advice given, just relax and don't push it too fast too soon. Recovery is a journey best traveled to it's final destination doing the recommended speed limit. Boy that sounds like a fortune cookie :D God Bless Brother!!! :salute:



  12. Corrected to show left photo, sorry about that. I will get the buttons fixed (The snake bit me since I now remember reading that but never fixed it back when I started). Once corrected I will do a photo with so you an easily see the sides. I can easily do the TD without mylar strip. Would you like me to do submit my FX bucket instead since it does have the hovis tusks with a hand painted vented mouth, blue stripes etc?

  13. Concur with all the above, except I attached the back to the cap first to get it to look like a TE2 does when you first get it. I used rivets on the helmet. 2 on the sides which get covered by the ear pieces. For the face plate I also used rivets one on the forehead and 2 on the sides all gets covered by the brow trim. I used no glue on mine, of course this was after my second rebuild on the helmet.

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