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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by pandatrooper

  1. I would lower the biceps and resize them smaller. Cut the butt plate, run some elastics at the base of the shoulder bells around the bicep.


    Yes, the chest is cut too much. I dont think theres enough plastic for a return edge. If he wants my AM chest (the one in my AM thread, still mint with all the trimming and return edges done to it) I will offer it to him for free, just cover the shipping. :) Feel free to pm me.

  2. If you want to be really close in color, TMC is very close, RT comes second slightly bigger I believe) and ATA comes third as the plastic is slightly more cream colored.


    AM has a warm tone to it. AP is almost a cool white.


    Another great match thats cost effective - get an ATA styrene kit and paint it. Use warm beige underneath and top coat with 2 layers of Krylon white (I'll track down the exact color for you, I painted a bunch of styrene chips to try and match the color). I have 2 TKs in my squad that painted their lids and they both match well.

  3. You do not want to bring a blaster across and back unless youre willing to lose it. Best case: borrow a blaster to use during the troop. Canada is not very flexible with replicas and such.


    Worst case, you get your blaster seized and your name ends up on Canada customs black list. Every package you will ever mail or receive will be opened abd inspected and the full taxes and service charges will be billed to you. Trust me, you don't want to go there.

  4. When you remove paint you need to make sure no residue or solvent or alcohol is left before recoating it.


    I prefer to wash the surface again with detergent to make sure no oil based liquid is left and let it dry very well. If using Humbrols, as stated you need to mix it very thoroughly and scrape the tin. I also find it takes much longer to dry. Make sure you are letting the helmet dry in the right temperature and humidity.


    I prefer to paint the black shaped outlines first, let it cure for a day or two before filling with grey. Check out my ATA ABS helmet build thread. I personally prefer Testors Model master as I like the consistency more but to each their own.



  5. Keep in mind that while this sounds like a good idea / funny, commercial places of business dont like people walking into their stores with their faces covered. its a security issue even for some official troops and most garrisons request permission first.


    Remember when there were those masked Vader robberies last year? People dont forget those. Also remember that what you do in costume especially a TK represents the 501st legion whether its an official troop or not and your actions reflect those of a group.


    Just my feedback.

  6. Its a good base. here's my suggestions:


    - make the thighs smaller / more fitted and shorter if possible

    - the calves aren't assembled properly (the overlap is on the wrong side), so you have the armor pieces on the wrong legs

    - if you can, make the torso smaller / more fitted

    - raise the back

    - trim the sides of the chest (if you can, reshape the bottom edge)

    - the biceps look a bit big for your arms?


    Just my 2 cents. AM kits require more work than other sometimes if you want them to look proper. :)

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