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About grungie_42

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    Expert Infantryman


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  • 501st Unit
    Terror Australis Garrison

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  1. these pics are insane mate, well done, the kit looks awesome.
  2. I agree mate, I feel a very strong sense of acomplishment. A similar feeling i had when I first finished the suit in Ocober last year. true that mate
  3. I was getting worried man, but all is good in the empire once more.
  4. thanks mate, I guess I just needed some clarification. woo hoo! EIB baby!
  5. I can make the change, I guess I'm just dissapointed that I've made a lot of modifications to my armour since i first applied for the EIB, and I feel like every time I apply there is another thing i need to fix, even though the requirements say it's a should not a must. change them all to musts, then people will only apply when they have it all done.
  6. it'll take longer than an hour, I'll need to buy the plastic, and get more supplies from bunnings to put it together, not to mention how long it will take to get the fit right, for my suit it's gonna be a big process, I'll need a week end to do it, it won't be an easy fix, hence why I'd like my EIB before I have to change my costume, as it fits me really well at the moment, and I'm afraid that when I make the change, I'll have to make a lot of adjustments to my straps to get it to where it'll feel comfortable, remember, I troop a lot, so I'd prefer to do it when I know I'll have a break from trooping. mine aint a costume that just sits on a manaquine and gets let out to play once a year, I'm in my suit at least once a month. I'm not saying all EIB's aren't active, far from it, just making a statement about super screen accurate armour, vs troopability. I think my costume is a perfect example of a costume thats screen accurate, and "troopable." hell, I am ESB after all, we're not perfect! we've been around the block baby! Dave.
  7. It looks like my application for EIB has started up a pretty interesting debate. I feel chuffed that my costume could swell up such opinions in my fellow troopers. I totally agree that my leather shim is inaccurate and should be changed to plastic. (which I'll be doing v soon.) just wanted to know though, as I'm the one applying for EIB with this modification, does that mean I will be granted EIB, and given 6 months to change? or do I have to change it before I get my EIB? Dave.
  8. ha ha ha, I didn't mean exposed as in missing, i meant exposed as in you can see the shim when he lifts his arm to use the desk intercom thingy. (thats the technical term)
  9. as IMHO? sorry man, I don't know what that is. I will upgrade my side shim in the future no doubt, it'll look great with it. I just see Han working the intercom on the death star, with his side shim exposed, thinking, "thats the look" rad, Dave.
  10. Hey guys, here are my new photos for my EIB. I have updated my mic tips. I think the photos are a very good representation of my suit. As I'm a very active trooper, I have been getting a lot of battle damage, but I feel that only serves to benefit my ESB look. Please let me know what you think, cheers, Dave. TK4258 P.S I know my head look likes it's floating in the first pic, but it doesn't affect the rest of the bunch.
  11. I know it's a busy time of year for everyone, so I wasn't sure if my update had been seen by the moderator's so I thought I'd bump my thread, cheers, dave.
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