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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by kiyotei

  1. I don't have any white leather handy but I'm thinking of riviting some white foamie foam to the front and back of the boot to extend its height a bit. This should help with it slipping out from under the armor. That's are real pain. I also added some foamie foam to the bottom of the shins. I'll add pics once I decide if I like it. Basically I have a in the front and rear of the shin to extend that area over the boot as well as reduce rubbing in those two areas. I thought this might help keep the boot from slipping out but didn'. I have to mod how I did it in the back which is the worst area for slipping. I split the foam at the seam unfortunately that is THE critical slip point.

  2. you know, I went back to the site that I bought the suit at and none of the helmets look like the one I got with the suit. Though I think this one is closest:




    Its beyond appalling that Lucas would ever liscense these helmets. they are such total crap, beyond crap. Anyhow, I bought the $74 suit and as I said the helmet does not look like any of these though the link above comes closest. The $8 helmet appears to have bubble lens. It might be better to buy it and see if you are desparately looking for bubble lens. You should be able to find these same costumes at costume stores in your area, though with Halloween being over, it might be harder.

  3. here ya go, a pic of the bubble lens. You can find the helmet at any online costume store. Its the middle priced one. Here is one link you can check out. Its for the whole suit but you would want to buy just the helmet. The costum is total crap. They make it look ok in the pic but its not even good for a kid.


  4. Hey Guys,

    Not sure what you all do for bubble lens but I came a cross a neat solution last night. I have this old cheap crappy halloween costume SW trooper helmet. I noticed that it had bubble lens. So I just popped them out. They are held in place with what looks like heat gun glue. That was easy to break the seal on. You can just peal the extra off with your hands. They seem to fit pretty good at least in an AP helmet. Of course the AP is a stunt helmet so no good there:( i don't know if they are dark enough for use though. I guess that depends on your view point.

  5. I don't want to hijack this thread anymore so if anyone has suggestions PM me. I will say that I tried finding a hole punch with no luck. The paper hole punches are way too small. I've checked every craftstore and numerous hardware stores. I tried drilling but that just tears the material up. What I would give for these buttons to work, so much easier. Sorry about hijacking your button thread, I really just wanted to determine if your buttons would or would not work for AP.

  6. been there done that. I guess it all depends on how good a finish (circular) you want. I like things to look perfect I have found cutting out holes can be tricky to get the perfect circle. It can ended up jagged. Then there is the bleed issue of paint getting under the masking tape. I had that happen on my last attempt. the spacing between buttons on AP is pretty tight which means you gotta cut each hole separately and then stick the masking onto the abs. Perfection sucks. I bought some auto painting pin stripe masking which might work better.

  7. Here's one other topic I have not seen any one discussing. How do you get a good fit of the shins over your boots? How do you keep the bottom edge of the shin from scraping the white paint off of your boots? Any suggestions out there. so far I've had to redo my back seam on the shins to make more room for the boots to fit under them. That was no big deal. Fortunately AP sends you some extra scrap ABS sheets to make shims.

  8. Ok, so here's a new problem I have not seen on here yet. I have AP armor. I'm too short I guess and my neck is not long enough to give the helmet clearance from the chest plate and back plate. So basically this means I can't really turn the helmet left or right easily, and well forget looking down, no clearance at all. I'm guessing there is nothing I can do about this but thought I would ask. I can't increase the padding on the top of the helmet to raise it on my head because then I won't be able to see out the eyes.

  9. I originally considered FX because of price but then realized I would have to buy a new helmet right away (I'm only 5'7"). Buying a new helmet + FX cost I might was well buy a more expensive armor set, so I did. I bought the AP kit. I guess if you are serious, why pay a little now and a lot later when you know you will upgrade the kit sooner than later. Though fit was also critical for me and AP is one of the smaller sets of armor out there. All the original troopers were about 5'11". both FX and RT are made for larger guys. I think the RT guy told me he is 6'2" and resized his armor design to fit his frame better.

  10. On AP armor the buttons are actually part of the mold and are not removable like on FX. That's why I'm wondering how you could install them on AP. Its a neat idea but not sure its doable on AP. If anyone has installed buttons on AP I would love to know how you did it. Painting the buttons on AP is real hard to do and get it looking good.

  11. I recently bought a pair of black leather boots and painted them. There is a link some where on this site showing how to paint boots, but basically its pretty easy to do but time consuming. First you get a leather shoe cleaner (just go to a cobbler and tell him what you are trying to do). The cleaner removes all wax from the leather. You can then rough up the leather a little with steel wool. Then you buy white leather shoe paint at the cobbler. You must spray the leather with very light coats. Wait for coat to dry and spray again. The paint dries very fast because you are using very thin coats. Thick coats take a long time to dry and also will wrinkle. I used 2 full cans of paint on my boots but they look great (yea yea Daetrin post pics I know and I will). You can then use white scuff remover to paint the cloth u-shaped area white. Ok the boots I bought I found at a used clothing store in Los Angeles. They are no longer available new. They were made by Rockport and I'm guessing new they were well over $100. The boots are in perfect condition, never worn, I got lucky. Unfortunately they are a size too big but I'm hoping they work out for me. If not I'll be selling them so some big footed trooper, LOL.

  12. my only concern with using truck liner spray is that it might insulate the helmet making it hotter inside? Anyhow have this experience? I used Fusion flat black and it worked fine. Paint the helmet before you cut out any holes and before assembly! Mask mask and mask some more. You would be amazed out how that paint gets in the tiniest hole in masking.

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