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Which is better? AP Armor or FX Armor?

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Hello, and welcome to the FISD. Not sure if you have already, but you might want to introduce yourself on the new members section - so that people here can understand your goals and help you with them.


You might want to read up on all the threads on here or try doing a search, as these questions get asked all the time.


"Better" is a relative term, it depends on your needs.


Both are troopable, represent the Stormtrooper, have almost all the pieces you need armor / helmet wise, and both are acceptable in the 501st.


In a nutshell (and I'm really just skimming the surface here)


The FX is:

- more affordable

- more readily available, lots of sources and plenty out there for sale

- more adaptable to sizes (fits slightly larger)

- was fan sculpted

- not 100% screen accurate in terms of detail but acceptable

- fairly easy to assemble


The AP is:

- more screen accurate

- originates from molds that had a screen lineage

- more costly

- slimmer fitting

- much more complex to assemble if you want it to be accurate

- can be purchased from fewer sources than FX


I would suggest reading the getting started / tutorial sections, you'll find tons of info there on both armors

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Hello, and welcome to the FISD. Not sure if you have already, but you might want to introduce yourself on the new members section - so that people here can understand your goals and help you with them.


You might want to read up on all the threads on here or try doing a search, as these questions get asked all the time.


"Better" is a relative term, it depends on your needs.


Both are troopable, represent the Stormtrooper, have almost all the pieces you need armor / helmet wise, and both are acceptable in the 501st.


In a nutshell (and I'm really just skimming the surface here)


The FX is:

- more affordable

- more readily available, lots of sources and plenty out there for sale

- more adaptable to sizes (fits slightly larger)

- was fan sculpted

- not 100% screen accurate in terms of detail but acceptable

- fairly easy to assemble


The AP is:

- more screen accurate

- originates from molds that had a screen lineage

- more costly

- slimmer fitting

- much more complex to assemble if you want it to be accurate

- can be purchased from fewer sources than FX


I would suggest reading the getting started / tutorial sections, you'll find tons of info there on both armors


:P well put, couldnt have done it any better, awesome advice!!!!

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Which is better? AP Armor or FX Armor? I haven't bought a set yet and checking ALL my options before I go forking out a ton of cash. Please help with some information.....................


Hi and welcome! :) You will find that you have a lot of options and reading to do. My advice is to read around here and get the basics. If you have any questions this is the place to be!

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