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First test with armor on :)


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This is the first test with armor I did today at the workshop:






Things not in the picture:

- Boots (I'll wear them only for the "official" pictures, as they are dyed jodhpurs.)

- Ab buttons (not finished yet.)

- Handguards (need to decide how to attach to Nomex gloves.)

- Neckseal (I need to finish my "project" :P )

- Holster (waiting for it, from Greg)

- Thermal det/O2 cannister (need the metal clips.)

- More snaps on the butt part to get it closer to the kidney part and not flap.


The helmet is not the AP but the SDS. I still need the screen accurate aerators (from Tony) to finish the AP.


Things that worry me:

- The biceps height (are they right?)

- Left shoulder (needs to be closer)

- Forearms (are they too high?)

- Left thigh (is it too high?)


If you see anything else let me know. Keep in mind I'd like to apply for EIB.


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If you lower the biceps, the forearms will fall in the right place, or maybe you'll need to reduce a bit the distance between them.

The less black gap, the better!

Here's mine:



And here's some reference:



I'd bring the left shoulder closer, the thighs are good as they are IMHO.


The belt isn't yet attached to the ab plate with snaps, but you're gonna do that, right? :)


(Isn't a great sensation when you put the armor on for the first time? :D )

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Hmmm ya! what Pablo said!!!


About the hand guard plates, there are many methods, some ppl use industrial velcro, that what i did, what i like about it is that i can put my gloves on and then put my forearms in, this way the gloves are all nice at fit in side the forearm then i put the hand plates!!! Works great for me!!!


others use 1 or 2 stripes of elastic one goes in the middle of the hand plate and the other one around the wrist.

yet some just glue them on.....


Muy Bonito Damian!!!! te vez muy bien! si crees que estas volando ahora, espera para tu primer evento!!!!!!

Felizidades Men!!!!

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Pablo, Mark, Joey: Thanks a lot! :duim:


Pablo, It's not fair! You put your perfect TM as comparison... :P:lol:

And yes, it feels so great! :D I can't believe it's me.


Yes, I see I need to lower the biceps.


Yes, I still need to put the snaps for the belt.


Mmmm... I think I'll need more snaps.

I also want to change some of the nylon weaving for elastic, as Paul said in another thread.

But I'm getting closer!


I'll tell my brother to take pictures of some of the detail I'd like you to see, like the side rivets or the small elastics to hold the shoulder straps.

I also want your opinion on the straps, as they touch the back box part and I may need to cut them a little.


I'll update this tomorrow.

Thanks again.

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Jedifireblade and TM placed awesome pics!!!!! of the snaps and stuff!!!

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