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Armour Polish Stain

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My long standing AP ANH Stunt TK Thigh piece is showing signs of  . . . oranging . . . and I was seeking some advice about the best way to rectify this. As you can see from the photo, there seems to be a strip of orange consistent with the colour of armour polish used over the years. I am not sure if this was the result of a strap lying over it for a long time while it was in my TK armour box. There is a very small amount of the same orange starting to show through on the other side of the thigh piece and its not in a straight line like the photo shows. 


Are there known techniques for removing these kinds of stains or am I looking at the prospect of having to apply a coat of paint to the ABS ?


I've filed this topic in this particular area as its a general armour question but please don't hesitate to let me know if its better filed elsewhere. 

TK Thigh Piece with Armour Polish Stain.jpg

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A few threads on stained armor:


Personally I've used compound polish on some stained areas and they have polished up nicely, had to use some ultra fine wet sandpaper for one stubborn area, then compound and polish. For yellowing on armor I used the Retr0bright home made formular, worked great 



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