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starting list for my ANH TK


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For your blaster, you can go several ways...  All have their advantages, so it's a matter of what you are looking for, Jared.  Resin blasters, like Doopydoos, can be bought a a kit which you put together yourself.  The thing I like about these is that you can mod it like crazy for accuracy, especially using Tino's (T-Jay) finishing kit.  They do tend to be breakable if dropped, but can usually be fixed fairly easily.

Hyperfirms are GREAT for trooping... you can bounce one down the stairs and not worry.  They lose just a bit in accuracy, but can get you to EIB and Centurion levels.

There are also 3-D printed models popping up.  I know little about these, so I cannot say much on them.  They may be fairly brittle, but perhaps someone that owns one can offer some info.

Last but not least are Hasbro conversions.  Basically it's the toy one you can buy, and then there are kits to upgrade it for basic approval.  These type of conversions are not allowed for the higher levels, though, which I hope you will be aiming for on your TK build.  (It's not as hard as you think)!

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