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Building a Scootch CAP-W bucket!

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Hello troops, 


     I had this bucket for a while now and I decided to start a WIP topic. I trimmed the bucket 7-8 months ago without taking any pictures.

Here are my mark up pictures and yes, the gap on the ears are there on purpose lol.









Cleaned everything for the paint






Here is the primmer coat. Now it's time to play the waiting game and let it dry!





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Looks worst because the ears are not on, but, I made this one kinda low.



EDIT: Steve you were right, I did had to raise my brow, it was too low!

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Here is what the bucket looks like with the dried kaki paint.





Now time for some weathering prep. The good thing about that method is that my bucket is now protected for tartar and has minty smell!






And now, after the first coat of paint.






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Actually just gave it a bit of a facelift. (Granted it looks like a budget facelift done in a shady russian doctor's office in the back of a storage compartment) But still a facelift. Redid the teeth and ears with a darker grey to match the decals and movie better. The super enamel really liked the idea of running so i have a good amount of excess paint in between the teeth. Looks better overall though.


Good luck with your build!

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Actually just gave it a bit of a facelift. (Granted it looks like a budget facelift done in a shady russian doctor's office in the back of a storage compartment) But still a facelift. Redid the teeth and ears with a darker grey to match the decals and movie better. The super enamel really liked the idea of running so i have a good amount of excess paint in between the teeth. Looks better overall though.


Good luck with your build!

Nice build you have there.  I'm not building a whole armor, just a bucket for display.

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I don't know what you guys think, I'm OK with it for a first time "chipper effect". Will see how the next one will turn out. I've seen so much nicer weathering.


Next step will be the details painting!


Edit: Sorry for the bad pictures, don't feel like taking out my camera lol.







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Was there a particular helmet you were looking to emulate? I just have never seen one with that amount of damage. It will really take shape with the details, however

Nah, just went with the flow...but, I went to hard with it lol.



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Rock on, bro!!!

I'll see what it will look like after I start painting it. It will be my first crack at painting a bucket.



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So, for all of you who are able to do pinstripes, well, I hate you lolll.

I have a lot of touch up to...I'm a little discourage honestly, since I don't have steady hands. But, will try again.





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Painting straight lines is an art  :)   Do each line in one shot, in a fluid movement, not too slowly.  Take the brush lightly, not too firmly or your hand will shake.

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So here is the kinda end product. I'm waiting for my Mic Tips from Keith and I have to get myself some darker lenses. I will also redo the pinstripes in the back of the bucket.






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