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Belt and Bicept help?

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I have a kit that is mostly put together but I have some noob questions. Yes I ran searches. but did not find answers and lots of picture replaced with the big red X of doom.


I want to do it right on the belt what is the correct assembly? Where do all these little white circle sqare greeblies go? I have 6 of em


Most of the pics are big red X's on a lot of places when I look up the bicepts. I am trying to figure out Should the have a big teardrop indent? Does back over lap over front or vice versa? and is there some sort of shim added to the outside? I only got 1 pic and an assembly video of Daves Garage anf it doesnt show an added shim after the fact.


I do see that a strap should connect the forearm and bicept (see I researched before I asked)

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Do you know what maker your armor came from? There are some differences in how people do shims depending on the maker, and if you are making ANH/ESB/ROTJ. In ANH assembly there is no overlap, the two sides go flush against each other and have a cover strip glued on from the outside. There are other ways, but that's the one I'm familiar with.


For the belt there should be three circles/square peices that go on the far left, right, and in the middle. They were originally used to cover rivets that held the plastic to the canvas.


A great source for pictures is the reference gallery


You can find pictures of the original belts from the LFL archives there.

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Glad to help. If you search for "*AM" you will find a whole bunch of threads where people have built the same kit. You will probably find some good pictures that will help with your particular situation.

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done found a decent build thread...guess I shoulda looked outside the stormtrooper site first. It has a beautiful snap system for the belt. Looks like a lil more work but definately worth it. and I.m not seeing extrenal shims on the bicepts nice. Thanks for the assist .

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Use the search box up in the top. If you are currently looking at a thread it defaults to searching within that topic only, so click "This Topic" and change it to "Forums". Sometimes you need to know exactly what the magic search term is to make it work right since it isn't as smart as other search engines.


Another good place to start is by browsing through the Expert Infentrymen and Centurion applications and looking for ones that have [AM] in the title. They will also have good pictures, and even if you aren't interested in those programs, there are often some good tips you can get out of them since people tend to provide a lot of feedback and point out common problems.

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HUGE Thanks found A good EIB, AM thread for the belt. thanks to your search suggestion. I just finished the detonator and hopefully tomorrow the rest of the belt ( gotta go get more snaps). While not really shooting for either of those high targets I will never the less use them as bench marks for the parts of the costume I have left to assemble and adjust ( I am a big, stormtrooper)

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Even if you don't wish to apply for EIB or above, use the build and application threads as inspiration. It'll save you some trouble and help you build your armour in a smart and practical way that won't break mid-troop.

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