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Butah Fett

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Posts posted by Butah Fett

  1. The more posts you make the higher in rank you will go. But don't just post for the sake of raising your rank, it means little and people will get annoyed. Back to work Private.

    Very true. One of my pet peeves is people who post just to up your post count for a meaningless title. 100 posts made in one day are sure to contain less statments of value as compared to 100 over a month.


    Also, before asking questions about things, try using the "search" feature to see if there's threads already covering that subject. It's an all too common practice on just about every message board I've ever used.

  2. Finally after patiently waiting for the box, I received the test type today. I found that initially, finding the sweet spot on the adjustable "static burst" know was a bit tricky. After about 15 minutes of playing with the knob, I found my sweet spot. The volume doesn't go as high as I'd like it to, but it may be because I'm using train speakers, but it's still plenty loud to be heard. If you're in a really noisy convention hall or something, it could pose a problem. Setting it up is super simple: plug in your mic, powered or non, and plug in your speakers into the mini-plug jacks. If you're using an accurately sized bucket, space can be a bit of an issue, but I've seen pictures of other test subjects with the unit inside (RT Mod). With an FX, I have some extra space. :D

    I haven't actually been able to troop with it just yet, but for now I recorded a few sound samples.


    This is a sample of my regular voice: my voice

    Death Star plans


    Move along

    Blast doors


    So far, I'm pretty impressed with the quality for the price. I know there will be a bit more tweaking based on my testing and the testing of others. Stay tuned for reports from an actual troop.

  3. No problem, gents! I can't wait to get it and test the crap out of it! I can vouch for the guy who's making it as being very reliable (he's been doing runs of coins for the Legion for quite a while), so I'm sure it'll be an awesome product.


    Oh, and I'll be testing this using the Supertrooper speakers in Stomper's Hovi Mix tips! I think at this rate, I'm going to start letting people advertise on my armor. :lol:

  4. I finally got word that this is now available! I will be getting a test type next week and will take sound samples for everyone to hear. I will be giving you all my honest thoughts on the product. If you want to hear some samples & pre-order now (the samples are poor quality), go to http://www.troopercomminterface.com/. "I am taking orders for 100 boxes with prepayment of $85.00 each and it will take 4-5 weeks to produce the boxes."


    Again, the samples are poor but I will be recording new ones on my PC. I hope to have this done by next weekend. Sorry it's been so long, but there had been some issues with the engineers.


    A couple points of interest:

    - does not require a powered mic, powered and non work fine.

    - the engineers have gone through extensive testing to reduce feedback as much as possible. I will be putting this to the test... big time.

  5. ABS white can actually be different shades; i.e.: one armor maker can make his armor is ABS white as well as another. You then mix and match parts, you could have a suit that doesn't quite match completely (seen this happen a couple times). You may have to try several options.

  6. Buttah Fett sent me his mini-speakers so I could install them for him.


    Here's a photo of the finished Hovi's with speakers for you all to look at. I tested them with my Radio Shack amplifier and they sound pretty danged good for their size!



    I installed these using a gutted Radio Shack amp and a RS mic... The pics don't do it justice and they sound really clear. They were a hit at my last troop! Awesome work, Tony!

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