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TK 6918

501st Member[501st]
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Posts posted by TK 6918

  1. Cool. I understand. Well the Red Cross is having an event for theyr people and kids and that will be my first event as a Trooper.

    I'm in showbiz and usually charge a lot to come to an event but that i'll do for free !



    Legally you cannot charge anyone to appear in a star wars costume. The 501st is a volunteer organization. Just keep that in mind if you do join.

  2. Being part of the 501st is like having gained thousands of new brothers and sisters, (and distant cousins!)


    As a good example, I am a member of the Pacific Outpost, and the local Garrison here in Washington, caught wind of me being on vacation here and treated me and my girlfriend to a nice lunch and we met and shared stories. Our detachment leader, Paul, was at the lunch, was kind and offered me a Titan Garrison patch as a welcome gift, as well as an Expert Infantry patch, which I will be earning sometime this year, when I upgrade my FX TK to TM armor. ;)


    Additionally you gain access to 501st goodies not available to the public... :)


    EDIT: being in the 501st allows you more opportunities to wear your costume and even do good with charity work.

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