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About F943

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    Japanese Garrison

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  1. Slowly getting there, finished the arms nearly, just waiting for the inner strips to properly dry and that's it, did a quick test fit and they're perfect. I've started on the legs and just glued the the Ab plates in place. I haven't built up the courage to paint the helmet and buttons yet, also Fallout 1 is stealing my time at the moment. I think I might just stick with a TK now....
  2. Just a quick update, still gluing the arm pieces together, I'm taking it slowly and doing inside seams also for added strength. I also finally fixed both the eyes so the lenses will be closer now. Not exactly easy but worth it in the end. Just had to make a quick template then cut and glue in place. fill the gap with abs paste, sand and then paint using Mr Colour gloss white followed by Mr Colour thinner to give it that nice smooth texture. I don't really want to do anything like that again, it's a pain in the a very impolite person to do. As far as the decals go I think I might do hand painted after seeing Cableguy's youtube tutorials. I only just found out he passed away Also I probably might end up just doing a sandtrooper instead of converting it after. Please don't hate me oh shiny ones.
  3. I had a go at removing the frown paint, hopefully it's ok. And just to confirm for the stripes that they are supposed to start from here? (That's glue on the pencil not snot, honest).
  4. Hello all from Japanese Garrison!! I was very kindly given some MTK armour from a fellow Garrison member, he started trimming the kit but I think he decided to quit because it was all too much for him. After finally having some time I managed to get round to trimming and sanding the kit ready for gluing, I've never built a TK before so it's all new to me. I've only just noticed the magnet seems to have moved up since I last looked, it wasn't like that when I set it yesterday. As I haven't got many of them I'll be slowly gluing bits together, it will also stop me rushing the job. The Helmet was already assembled when I received it but I did some quick adjustments to lift the frown a bit as I might convert it to a Sandtrooper. Hopefully it's all fine. I'm also debating whether to hand paint the decals or just use stickers, both have their pros and cons I believe. I noticed for the eyes that they might have been over trimmed at the top part so there's a bit of a gap between the abs and lenses. Would this be an issue do you think? I was thinking of gluing some spare ABS in place and using abs paste to fill the gaps. Or forking out some money and just buying a new face plate. I mean from the front you can't really see it but I just wanted to check. Thanks in advance!
  5. It's a lot more faded and flabbier now.
  6. TS 94349 requesting 501st Access http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=16756
  7. I was hoping for X-Wing vs Tie Fighter 2....
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