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Jumpin Jax

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Posts posted by Jumpin Jax

  1. Yup!


    Another thing about the clay I used, it has sulfur which inhibits the cure of silicone. this was really a one-time thing...


    I'll try my hardest to bring them back! :)

    Been there, done it. Just make sure the clay hardens/dries enough to not suffer under the vacuum. I use cheap clay, just gotta know how to finesse it. I tried freezing it once, the plastic crazed all over the place, unnecessary as it turned out.

  2. Thanks, sorry the helmet sold on another forum before I even got to your PM!

    rofl naughty nate, bad nate, evil nate, not-buying-xmas-presents-for-all-3-kids nate


    stop buying helmets nate.


    luckily this one didnt go to me ;P


    hope sales goes well Jax

  3. Understood, and I apologize for my fervor. We appreciate the will to share info, but know that you have picked possibly the worst source of info in the hobby. Repeating his statements AND telling them as absolute truths just won't help anyone, no slight to you. He lied to you, take it into consideration as to his niceness.



    Calm down guys, :dance:

    I am sorry there are a lot of bad feelings towards this man but my intention was just to share some new info I was given. :huh:

  4. Let's go for the short version:

    Every statement made by AA is soon contradicted. By himself. Within minutes.

    He makes statements about materials used that experiences fans KNOW were not.

    He claims that layers of paint...no..........they were cast from the INSIDE.

    Even the courts of the UK decided in no uncertain terms that he changed testimony to cover his claims and not recite history.

    He didn't sculpt a single mold used.

    "Matt" knew far more about stormtrooper costumes than AA did. Slice that anyway you want, AA can't be the original maker when you don't recall one detail correctly.

    AA is covering his hide, as with so many disreputable people in this scandal he will put on a big smile so people will talk about "what a great guy, so nice" that he is.

    He can be as nice as he wants, he's still lying.


    This isn't a bandwagon, this is what happens when something is finally seen as TRUE. AA and his flunkies have led campaigns of slander on critics trying to get details and claims straight, so you won't find much sympathy for the "Poor guy."


  5. alas after 6 months it sounds like more broken promises!





    Who asked you? Unlike yourself I have made no promises but plans that revolve around a career and bigger issues in my life, and I tire of your need to try to start a fight with people more honest than yourself.


    Your inevitable .0002 pence causes me to wonder just what you're planning to do should I get a chance to finish this. Screen cap and host them without permission I suppose, which I will pursue legally and publicly.

    It will be done when it is done, when I have time and leisure to finish.

    Should I get another snide and ungrateful post like this, posters here know who to blame when it gets done even later, if at all.

    I do this for the community interest, not your BS, jeremy. Anyone here dying to know what AA/BB thinks of something they are not involved in?

  6. I'm selling a formed kit of Royal Guard/Crimson Empire(Carnor Jax and Kir Kanos) armor, used by the aforementioned characters as well as the Senate Guards. Ditch your red stormtrooper armor and join the big leagues!

    I'm looking to build an army out there:happy

    7" square Vader boxes, vac'd styrene for lightness and ease of cutting, gluing, etc.

    One painted with a single coat of Rustoleum(outdoors, don't mind the dust):


    $30 shipped in the USA.




    CE armor in white styrene, light and ready to paint. Directions by email to buyer, and inside info on coming items.

    Helmet, Chris and mannequin not included...sorry.

    Armor set is $130, I'll split the shipping. 12 parts included, gauntlets can be piano hinged like Fett. Thanks for looking!


  7. Jumpin Jax, like usual your close connection to matt really shows you lack of interest in the actual topic, rather

    than beating up your "oldest foe" Gino!

    i know,i know he also isn´t always completly nice...


    remember? he wasn´t offensive...

    actually he was nice....

    maybe you need to rethink a couple of things...


    let it go, Jax... this thread isn´t the right playground for those old stories!

    Rocko, I will always, of my own volition, take people to task that make absolute claims of accuracy backed up by no one with the sole intent of slamming someone else's work. The old stories repeat themselves because the same dialog comes up again and again, and the joke here is that DAN( whom the thread is about)didn't make a single claim. But MAN the hater had to speak :D

    Matt doesn't even feature into it anymore. Never made a dime off the guy, never will.

    Yeah I have seen for years how people get a burr in their fur whenever two people differ instead of being good little automatons, and the loudest is always the bad guy; not the liar.

    I'll be it, doesn't hurt my feelings.

    He was offensive, rocko, just not to you. That's what people in this hobby care about: Well yeah maybe that hideous or dishonest thing is going on, but how does that affect me?

    Perhaps I will one day not care about anything, or call anyone on their behavior; but that's not growing up, it's called selling out.

    I'm an artist who makes the effort to be better and expect it of others, no matter how many times I am disappointed, I will not give in.

    Sorry, just that darn ethics thing :lol:

  8. Jumpin Jax, you're so close to TE (even admitting in the past to helping him form helmets, plus your constant shilling) that you're practically his partner. Sure you could have thrown that at me concerning AA three years ago but not any more.

    I did. :D

    And I think it will go on now that you're trying to defend him again, as your fair weather friendship is apparently like that. Kudos on standing firm as a jelly roll.

    Did you just use the word deceit? Are you kidding me?


    You helped perpetrate the biggest scam in this hobby's short history. And then you ducked out when the fan started spinning, and declare that you were deceived.

    Oh please give me a speech about historical fact and honesty.

    Now that you're whoring Efx, are you getting 40% there as well?



    And gino? Since you didn't address my observations about your CONSTANTLY conflicting POV about your own materials.....again.....you've said it all.

    But I am tickled that you LOVE the helms. It's hard not to.

  9. Actually, in all the years I've been in the hobby, I've only accused a few people of recasting. And EVERY time I did, it was true.

    Because you said it was, yes I know all about your version of the Never Neverland justice system presided over by plasticine people with looking glass ties :D

    Cooter lives in Oregon, is a member of the 501st and took part in the Starlight parade. Anyone who's ever read his posts knows he's not Matt, unless you're blind :lol:


    Your helmets are still an interpretation, like everyone else's. Find a way to cope with it, or not. Doesn't really matter either way, it's still a fact that can't be changed.


    While somehow, you both sanded the detail off.......AND still have it intact.

    Wow. :6:


    You accused Dan of recasting to make the TE2 molds. You never showed a lick of the irrefutable proof I asked for that you said was at your fingertips. In other words, you lied and never answered for it. I'm not surprised, so barely care.

    I honestly don't think you say anything true, and more and more I see that your horse hockey falls on deaf ears.

    I think the hobby has outgrown you...man where does the time go?

    And as Dan's bucket has the details you lack? Heck I'll say it, it's the most accurate stormtrooper helmet ever. :wub: (granted, that means most accurate of the others made while not yet 100% accurate to the film piece itself, I'm a sucker for details!)

    Bah, I can do better!

    " Since the invention of the helmet there have been five helmets that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one leaves them all behind!"



  10. Seems like everyone is here.

    Jax, Dan, and Cooter Davis aka Matt G(TE) or whatever name he's going by nowadays to sockpuppet on forums he's been banned from.

    That detail in the teardrops is NOT how it looks on the film helmets.

    I'm the only one with a faceplate mold that has those tear details intact. I know because I was there when it was removed from the molds sent back to matt. Pretty smart huh? I have to hand it to my partner at the time to remove that tear detail as well as "adjust" the other surface details to a point where you could never achieve a screen accurate pull. Makes it easy to spot recasts. It was genius of him. We've NEVER offered up a helmet with the tear details present and for good reason.

    But when I see people running around saying things like, most accurate helmet ever... I just can't let that slide because it couldn't be less true.

    Until someone takes castings from the inside of another screen used ANH helmet, it is impossible for them to achieve a helmet closer to the film helmets than the molds I have will produce. That's a fact. Anyone else who says different is trying to sell you something.

    The good reason is that your cast didn't HAVE the details. No one's did. To keep people from conning the community as in the Mark Hamill auction, it was withheld to disprove a fake should it appear.

    And that was the detail I and Matt would ask for time after time that you didn't know about. And until recently you still didn't. It was removed before you had it in hand, bedtime story aside. Talk about abuse of the RetCon concept.



    "Until someone takes castings from the inside of another screen used ANH helmet, it is impossible for them to achieve a helmet closer to the film helmets than the molds I have will produce."

    But your molds aren't direct and unaltered.....as you yourself say...so it CAN'T be 100% accurate. No matter what, as YOU say. I'm quoting you here, as I couldn't possibly make this up.


    "But when I see people running around saying things like, most accurate helmet ever... I just can't let that slide because it couldn't be less true."

    But.......that's your sig? But it's not true, despite your saying it? Dude, that's just confusing. :huh:


    "That's a fact. Anyone else who says different is trying to sell you something."

    Too easy.

    Sockpuppet? Funny, cooter is a 6' guy with black hair and a mess of kids that I met in person a month or so ago. Funny, and doesn't watch Family Guy. Must do something about that. :P

    One might think you were talking out of your hat throwing that jab.

    Be sure and back that up the way you did the last time YOU accused someone of recasting, gino.


    Great helmet Dan, external issues aside.

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