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501st Member[501st]
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Posts posted by Dargas

  1. grab a tab of plastic and curve it in the exact shape of the inner forearm in the place the accident happened.


    get the piece that you cut and place it in place again (NO GLUE YET) just to check it fits nicely, if it doesn´t then try getting the right shape again and repeat.


    after you´re sure it fits, glue the piece to the plastic tab (the tab has to be bigger that the piece) and then glue the tab with the piece in place.


    use any filler you need (bondo, white wall putty, etc) to make the scar disappear and sand it until it gets smooth.





    hope that helps!

  2. well.... i´ve used epoxy for about 14 years now in planes, helmets, armor, models, terrain models, etc and never had any problems with poisoning.


    the ones time I felt a little light headed was last year while using contact cement for a ARC pauldron I was building.


    basically all my helmets have epoxy on the inside and I´ve never had any problems. You might want to check that with your local hardware store though.

  3. yeah and when he wants to make something sound alien he just looks for middle eastern names or just uses plain spanish words.



    Mustafar????? C´mon!!!



    Darth Patadas, Darth del cuerpo, Darth de Comer, Darth Lastima, Darth las Gracias, Darth Abrazos... and so on.


    hopefully spanish languange using members will laugh a bit..

  4. Sorry to piss on people's cheerios...but hey it's all just fun anyway, no?



    Ahh man, you made my day! :D



    yeah it´s all fun! you´re absolutely right, but sometimes it´s fun trying to make sense of the fantasy too eh?


    By the way Jonah, i´ve read my post over and over again and I feel that the tone feels a bit conflictive but it´s not the idea, I assure you, you know me from the clone forums and you know I really don´t mean to fight you. just to clarify! that bit. however that´s exactly my thoughts, hope you don´t feel confronted or anything! :P




    Pissing on cheerios.... god damn!!! hahahahahahaha

  5. This is all regardless of terrain- or environment-specific gear. With the exception of highly-trained corps of Stormtroopers who are in high demand throughout the Empire, most Stormtroopers are cross-trained to operate in a variety of environments and conditions, and have appropriate gear to assist with that. The same troops we saw storming the Rebel Base on Hoth, in cold-weather gear, might be the same troops who locked down Cloud City, in standard kit.


    Jonah, according to the cannon, the troopers that went with Darth Vader in all his attacks where 501st troopers. The Elite unit given to him by The Emperor. Thus the troopers assaulting the Tantive IV are in fact 501st.


    the same is on Hoth, the attacking units are all 501st and are the Stormtroopers in charge of Darth Vader.


    General Veers is not a clone trooper however he is in charge of the ground assault.


    the troopers that assaulted Cloud City are also 501st as are the ones that assaulted the Massassi Temple on Yavin and Admiral Dodonna. the ones in cloud city had non clone commanders assigned to them.


    basically every time we see the stormtroopers squash the baddies, those troopers are 501st. when Darth Vader is in command. This is proven and accepted fact.



    just to clarify, the ones on Endor are not 501st, the are the emperor´s shock troopers and he effectively states in his line "an entire Legion of my best troops awaits them" and let´s remember that his personal clones where the red stripped Coruscanti Shocktroopers. These, as well as Vader s 501st swapped colors for curgical white when the Empire was young but retained their status as Elites as The emperor and Vaders personal Troops however despite of their status, the Emperor´s Shocktroopers did not have the experience of fighting in countles battles in the field like Vader´s 501st legion did.

  6. the imperial army had millions of Stormtroopers around the galaxy.


    using designated numbers and letters logic the idea would be that the first stormtrooper,REGARDLESS of his role would be AA-001


    then would be AA-002 and it goes on an on and on until AA-999, the next line of ids would be AB-001 until it gets to AB-999 and moving to AC-999.... and you can continue the idea until reaching ZZ-999.


    the TK designation seems to be just a random number for that poor guy in the death star.


    I, at least don´t remember any other trooper being called by his designation number. Even Han decided to shoot the microphone when asked his operating number.


    going a bit off topic but to support my vision of the operating number around the Imperial Army:


    you guys must remember that Vader´s assault on the Tantive 4 was led by the 501st imperial troopers in his charge and after he speaks to leia in the corridor a COMMANDER in oficial black uniform reports to Vader about the computer being empty and the escape pods and please pay attention to this line by Lord Vader:


    "She must have hidden the plans into the escape pods, send a detachment down to retrieve it, SEE TO IT PERSONALLY COMMANDER there´ll be no one to stop us this time"


    to which the uniformed Commander replies with a strict "Yes Sir!".


    according to this line that same blond commander went down with what we previously saw as Regular Stormtroopers to the Tattooine planet surface looking for the Escape Pods in what I´ve always thought to be their own stormtrooper armor but adjusted for desert terrain fashion and, according to the now accepted special edition, squads of Heavy Weapons Troopers. If this commander did not went down to Personally direct the search as Vader asked him he mist have left in the Star destroyer and i don{t really think a commander would disobey a direct order from Lord Vader.


    we may even assume that the Commander that's speaking the lines "someone was in the pods... the tracks go off in this direction" may be talking to the same blonde stormtrooper commander that was given the assignment of finding the pods by Lord Vader.


    so... in my own understanding of the Imperial Military all white armor like soldiers are infantry with, of course, different tasks within their units, these including the Regular Stormtroopers as Infantry, Heavy Weapons Troopers as Heavy Infantry, scouts as exactly that and Shadow Troopers, Dark Troopers, Imperial Commandos are special Operations while TIE Pilots are the air-force and the rest are Mechanized Cavalry.


    at least that´s how it plays in my head!

  7. that´s exactly why i´m going the HWT way.


    all the TK looks plus the goodies of the sandtroopers!


    I like the look of a well used battle armor but it must also look like the trooper actually cleans it a bit now or then, after all its like the weaponry, you need to take it apart and clean it, test it and repeat to be sure, the grease and the soot and stuff is obvious to start getting into the crevices and show but a well trained trooper wouldn´t let his armor to get all messy and soiled thus risking some systems to stop working due to bad maintenance and remember that the soldiers are the ones that maintain their own equipment while on mission on the field.


    apart from let my armor to get scuffed naturally i´ll add some soot and even less dirt here and there but going " the Less is More" way.


    if you like the scruffed TK look i would definitely advice you to go the HWT way.

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