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Posts posted by Dargas

  1. Thanks for the warm welcome!

    Indeed tyhere?s enthusiasm in here but I have no idea why is it so damned dificult to organize the "Ticos" (as we call ourselves) into a group!


    it?s like trying to herd a pack of rocks while skating uphill!


    But worry NOT!

    This area of the unknown territories has been subdued by Imperial Forces. It?s ours!


    :trooper::td::peace::peace: :vader1: :peace::peace::trooper::trooper:


    Thanks for the tip on the shoes!!


    I guess that?s the best way for me to go right now!


    I just want to get off the shoes problem to hop onto the Blaster problem.


    I want to scratchbuild one since the plastic hasbro thingies are just awful!

    Let?s see how it goes!


    "Vode an" to all.




  2. Your size explains why your bucket looks so neat with your armor since you have really broad shoulders the helmet doesn?t look overzised.


    the rest seems to fit just nicely over your frame. I really don?t have any criticism to give you man! you look awesome!


    I want to question though.... where did your helmet came from?

    mine, since it?s an FX one looks bigger than yours but the things that strikes me into the difference between both buckets is the way the "ears" fit on the whole thing and specially the two Bolts or screws that are visible on top and below the grey squares.


    When I got My FX TK armor i never really paid attention towards if it was a ANH of a ESB nor a ROTJ armor.


    At this Point and being a Newbie.... i have to say to my distress that i still don?t know in wich movie does my FX armor fits.






    Great Looking armor there Trooper! Post some knee pad pics so we can figure out the problem!


    Pura Vida!



  3. Thanks Guys!


    Hopefully the outpost wil become Official today! so it?s just a matter of patience.


    right now i?m too busy getting my armor to look perfect and getting the electonic innards of my helmet to work properly.


    I?m still trying to figure out the right configuration to get the speaker, the PC fan vent system and amp. system to kork fine with each other and to minimize Feedback problems due to the mic being to close to the speaker.


    The amplifier is being made by a cousin of mine that?s an eletronic engineer and i believe i won?t cost me more than just 20 bucks in components.


    The neck seal was made by a friend of mine?s mom that works as a tailor and she charged me only 5 dollars for it and it looks perfect!


    That?s the nice thing... the periferals and the soft pieces are not costing me that much money!


    the one thing that is getting to be really difficult to obtain is the white boots!!!


    it seems that no one in this country makes white shoes like the ones used by stormtroopers, they make the same model but in black or brown for about 25 bucks, good quality too.


    I?m starting to beleive that I?ll need to buy them in brown, seal the soles with masking tape and then Spray paint them in white Satin Vinyl!


    I don?t know.....I?ll figure that out today.


    Well guys thanks for the welcomes!!


    Pura Vida!



  4. Hello and Greetings from Costa Rica Fellow Troopers!!!


    Mi name is Rick and I?m in the middle of getting, along with a friend of mine, an Outpost started in Costa Rica, central america. The first one in This country.


    I just received mi TK armour (an FX one) and i?m waiting for my aplication to be accepted in the 501st.


    I hope to have great fun here and hope to see a lot of you guys at C4!!!


    I?ll be there along Captain of the Guard Crazas from the TX Spec Ops forum! He?s the other costarican Guy promoting the legion in C.R.



    we are growing at an alarming rate for in the last two months since we started the outpost we?ve had 38 members joining in and already we have 1 Darth Vader (that?s me!) 1 Dooku, 1 anakin, 3 TK?s (one of them?s me 2!), 1 TX, 1 royal guard, 1 Jango, 1 Boba and three imperial oficers... more of them are on they?re way including 4 Republic Commandos scratch built by me and imperial pilots and scouts.


    sadly only the TX has joined in the oficial ranks of the 501st but Vader and the TK?s are doing their respective affilliation forms and soon we?ll all be a part of the legion.


    Well guys!... if there?s some of you that speak spanish and want to pay us a visit please do!!! and even if you don?t speak spanish a Lot of us there speak english too so you won?t feel out of place language-wise!


    the Forum is: www.501stcr.com


    please remember that we?ve just started so the forum looks very simple and small! .... but we?ll grow, I can guarantee that!


    Thanks again for being here guys!...you make the magic happen!!


    ans as we say in my country: "Pura Vida!" wich translates close to: PURE LIFE! meaning LIVE LIFE AT IT?S FULLEST!


    See you around the forums!!!




  5. Welcome man!


    Sorry to hear about your TK problems.


    I actually had to wait an entire year to build up the ammount to get mine! and then some!


    I went for the FX one wich, as I understand it is one of the best there is around being the only thing that the helmet is 15% bigger! ( for adding the batteries and amplifier, the venting system and the mic. )


    I really hope you get your problem sorted out soon man!


    Best of Lucks!



  6. - Is it really worth it to shell out the extra money for a suit that's "already modded, strapped, and customized?" Beware of spending that extra money, as every armor seller has his/her own way of doing things, and that way may not be the RIGHT way for YOU.


    That?s sooo right!



    I just got mine last saturday... an FX one. I was so excited that I just wanted to see it finished within minutes!


    Thanks The Emperor that one friend of mine that has a TX armor told me to be patient since all that run with the armor while putting it together ussualy blow it sky high!!!


    following his advice I took 2 days just to assemble the helmet and between yesterday and today I?ll finish the rest of it.


    I found that some of what the manual states on how things have to be done where not the best for me in some stances.


    I have another example witha fellow girl trooper in the TX group that exchanged her white TK amor for a Black TX armor, but since the armor was already "Fused" into place in several parts she is having trouble adjusting it to her smaller frame.


    The manual states thsi VERY crearly, Measure Twice, Glue Once!


    Once you glue something in this armor it MUST stay that way...so be sure that when you buy something...IT?S ACTUALLY WHAT YOU NEED!


    Good Luck Troopers!




    501st Costarican Outpost (being reviewed for acceptance) Administrator.

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