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Everything posted by Stealth_Trooper_Pablo

  1. i cam across this image on the replica prop forums. for those who want 100% screen accurate armour, this is the way to go.
  2. anyone here added a chinstrap to their bucket? i have a FX lid, and im using the hardhat liner. the fit is good, but say i where moving about a lot, where a chinstrap would come in handy, any ideas how to go about it? p.s. i might possibly move to using foam to line my lid, but i havent got a clue where to find anything decent (also, the type of foam to use), can anyone link me to some pages on the webnet? preferably UK please.
  3. i mentioned size as being negligable simply because people are different sizes, we are not all clones like in the films. that image you linked to shows what i was getting at. the FX looks superb on the person wearing it, but if the short, smaller framed person was to wear it, it would look silly. for this reason, FX should be praised, allowing larger people to don the armour. i also believe the factor of it being symmetrical a good thing. in the SW universe, the armour would of been massed produced, and im pretty sure with the technology in such a universe, the armour would of been made symmetrical, to make sure every trooper looked the same. symmetry would help enforce this, and the menacing appearance.
  4. say a hobbyist loves the FX armour (heck, i think its amazing for what it is) and they try to enroll, would they get rejected still? in their eyes they have the best armour there is and they passionatly want to join the 501st, yet the FX wouldnt be permitted.
  5. can i ask a few questions about this issue? i would like to know exactly how in-accurate the FX armour is? forget the size factor and details such as the ab button colours (colouring is an easy change mod, its not like using square buttons instead fo round ones) also, would the ruling of the Fx armour being unsuitable only apply to storm and sand troopers? i myself own a set of black FX armour, to utilise as a Black Hole Trooper. now, seeing as these guys were only in the comics/books, and therefore no real armour was made for screen use, surely whatever in-accuracies the FX armour has, wouldnt really account for any of the Spec-Ops groups? lastly, i would like to add this - why does it matter? why does a charity hobby group insist on making fans/hobbyists spend all their money to get that 110% accurate suit? this part of the organisation has always struck me as slightly odd. ok, people trying to sign up with homemade cardboard armour is silly, and some regulations are needed, but for example, in the far far future, why would an FX wearer be turned down over someone wearing an "accurate" suit? what if the FX wearer is more of a fanatic, knows everything to do with starwars/stormtroopers and has the superior urge to help raise charity funds? i dont mean to rant or sound mad, im just curious
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