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Posts posted by ImperialLoyalty342

  1. On 9/18/2019 at 10:42 AM, sharkbait said:

    Ah yes!  Thank you.  


    A bit of expansion, and links:


    I use this for a basic, budget fan set up:

    amazon.com/gp/product/B0775ZM4DW - Fans (if specific product not in stock, basically you want "DC Cooling Blower Fan 5015S 5V 0.1-0.3A 50x15mm"

    amazon.com/gp/product/B07BXBS93X/ - Battery pack with on/off switch (9v Battery Holder or 9v battery case WITH SWITCH)

    amazon.com/AmazonBasics-Everyday-Alkaline-Batteries-8-Pack/dp/B00MH4QM1S/ - 9v batteries on the cheap (Amazon Basics are great batteries in general).  Unfortunately, the rechargeable 9Vs don't have the juice to work for us.  I tried them, and they didn't even last a whole troop, and weren't as strong even at the start.  (I also heard after I bought them but before I tried them the same thing from another member).  


    Cut off the white end cap on the fan wires, and expose some of the wiring from the casing.  Solder the red wire from the battery box to the red wire of the fan, repeat with the black wires.  Test with a battery.  Repeat for second fan.  Use velcro to attach fans and battery packs into the helmet in desired location.  


    This will work with really any helmet set up, provided you have space to mount them.  They are pretty compact, but some buckets are quite tight on everyone (still trying to figure out where to mount them in my Shadow Scout helmet...)


    This is the same concept you would use to attach it to a USB connector for a USB power bank, in place of the battery box.  I personally could never make rechargeable anything work, so I ditched them all for 9V batteries, and haven't had any issues since.  That said, I know a whole lot of guys and Mandos who use USB chargers and love them and never have any issues.  I could just be unlucky.  


    This is the blue rechargeable battery:


    They are 12 v, so while they do power the fans for ages, they also are quite loud because they're overpowered for the fans.  I found them unreliable and it was incredibly difficult to hear- which it's already hard.  And I got called Hard Drive for a while because you could hear the fan buzz outside my helmet.  Biggest tip: they must be in the ON position to charge.  They're backwards.  If the switch isn't ON, then they won't take a charge.  So, turn them on before you plug them in to be sure (because once you plug them in the light comes on regardless).  I had issues with them taking a charge even when on, etc., and they're mass produced in China- so it's kind of a gamble on how good your individual product will be.  Still, like USBs, people swear by them and have used them for years.  Maybe I'm just unlucky, again.  




    I found it was worth it to go for the good one up front, it's lasted for years now and given me no issues.  

    http://store.voicebooster.com/voicebooster-mr1506-aker-10watt-voice-amplifier/ (he also sells them on Amazon- just check both places to see which has a better price/is on sale that day).  The 10 watt is plenty-  unless you really want the deaf old lady down the street to hear you, too.  You ever heard a Jawa yell "Utinni!" with a 12 watt?  It's LOUD.  


    I am a huge fan of the iComm, if you can splurge on it:



    Wireless mic:

    amazon.com/dp/B01HOB5SKE/ - They're constantly changing names, brands, but they're all basically the same, so if the product shows unavailable, just Amazon search for "wireless mic" and you'll find the new incarnation.  They're usually about $25 - $30.


    The wireless mic set up allows you to take your bucket off without any wire encumbrance.  I wear my Aker around my neck and it sits at high-chest, right below my collar bone.  You could also mount it in your chest if you have room, or I've also seen the back.  I'm leery of mounting it in the back because you don't want it to sound like  you're talking from behind you.  In the general chest area it sounds like it's coming form an internal speaker system and gives it that slightly disembodied effect like the suit is actually wired up and real.


    I also run TK chatter though an old iPod shuffle, and my Aker.  It's also compatible with the wireless and iComm set up.  

    I would really love to use your personal fan system but I don’t understand how to enable to battery pack to use two fans at once. Can you explain in more detail how to? Could I just connect an additional fan red to red black to black at the base of the battery pack?

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