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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by viewoptic

  1. On 10/23/2023 at 4:04 PM, TikiTechie said:

    Glad you asked. I've been working on this subject for awhile. It's still a WIP but maybe you can get some ideas from the research I've done.

    I've been interested in creating a very flexible audio system that can play a very large number of audio clips via a glove controller (only 1 button) and a position sensor.  This is what they use at Galaxy's Edge and is pretty cool and gives you a lot more choices for sounds, but also adds a lot more complexity. 

    Do you want recorded sound clips, or to use your own voice? 
    Recorded sounds have limitations, such as how many you can easily trigger to play by buttons.  This works well for characters like Wookiees or Jawas who really only make a few unique sounds. If you don't want to be limited to a few canned phrases, you may want to go with mic headset and a simple audio amp. You can probably do that for pretty cheap < $50 on Amazon.


    Microphone + Amplifier

    I've been using the iComm & Aker amp setup that I see alot of people using.  For me it hasn't worked well.  Mounting in the chest has a very muffled sound (maybe it's my voice) but no one can understand me unless I repeat myself at least once.  I get a lot of blank stares which is not super-impressive.  

    I switched to JUST using the amplifier + mic system. It's a little better sound, but I mostly have the same problem. Namely, being able to turn it up to be understandable but also not cause feedback from your helmet.  Chest mount amps seem to suffer from this. 


    Another thing I've witnessed for folks who have an external amplifier located in a pouch (those Scouts!): you can understand them pretty well, but the audio in the helmet gives some sort of cross-talk that makes it sound non-stormtrooper like (to my ears). I just want to hear the audio from the speaker.



    So, long story even longer, if you want a simple sound board with 4 or 8 clips, visit Etsy and search for "sound glove" and you should get the standard ones I've seen. You can find them on Youtube for DIY. 


    My Plans:
    I just put out an order on Fiverr for someone to professionally record sound clips. My voice just isn't stormtrooper-y. They do 100 words for $20 which was a decent starter to try this out with.  




    I created what I thought was a easy to use button controller, but after I put it on with the glove it became clear I wouldn't have the dexterity due to the bulk of the gloves. This is even with a much larger button surface like below. Spacing the buttons farther might help but it makes the controller very wide, which it's already sticking out from the palm to be visible, which isn't what I want. 



    Sorry for the length of this, but it's a WIP and probably going to become a separate thread.

    Awesome thanks for the info! What exactly are the stormtroopers using at galaxies edge? does anyone know the exact set up and brand of everything?

  2. Welcome! As mentioned above, research is key, the more time spent talking with others on the forum and researching build threads/ videos things will start making more sense. It is alot to take in when starting out. This is a great page where you can ask anyone questions for build advice. Armor also comes in different sizes as well. The key is not to rush anything and research. We all were in your shoes when we started. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, gmrhodes13 said:

    Tighter strapping can help, I doubled mine over which helped.


    Interlocking tabs are used by a few, mine was just an issue of the kidney pushing out sideways, I bent and glued a piece of ABS each side, behind the kidney and they just sit behind the abdomen.


    It's basic but works for me




    Thanks that is a great idea as well.


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