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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by DayFire

  1. Glad I was able to help. I haven't gotten many comments on my thread but I think I've managed the conversion pretty well. Hoping to submit this weekend.
  2. It was a very tedious painstaking process. It actually took 3 of us two holding and one applying the CA glue and accelerator. I later reinforced the seam with abs paste on the inside. I got my trim from CFO. I ordered the trim and the belt components from him.
  3. Thanks! Got a front and back picture of me in the kit when I gave it for a test run. Looks to me like I just need to check the alignment on my left arm. And yes I know I can't have a holster I was just testing this one out for trooping. It's an ESB holster so it just slides on and off. I'm hoping to take submission pictures in the next couple of days.
  4. Went ahead and did all the weathering yesterday. Don't mind the mess I'm packing up to move in a couple weeks.
  5. Redid my back plate and finished up painting the rest. Hopefully I can do a final fitting and get it weathered soon so I can submit. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  6. I've got lots of pictures on my WIP under the build threads as well and would be more than happy to answer any questions.
  7. I'm using the anovos kit for mine and I made a small cut on the kidney plate so that I could bend it out to match up with the butt plate and then fused it with CA glue and abs paste
  8. I'm using the anovos kit for mine and I made a small cut on the kidney plate so that I could bend it out to match up with the butt plate and then fused it with CA glue and abs paste
  9. Wow great work! I've been working on my ANH conversion to TKC as well. I've got to finish painting up my last couple pieces and weather it up. I've got a WIP in the build threads section.
  10. I'm working on my TKC using an anovos kit. Overlap is only necessary for centurion level. Some of the differences are trim, fused kidney/butt plate, different belt, no holster, inverted button plate, 5th small strip button (centurion only), symmetrical shoulder bells (no bottom flare), extra rivets on the belt (centurion only), different thermal detonator (centurion only), and no bicep straps (EIB and centurion). I think that's everything but I might have forgotten something. Feel free to check out my WIP in the build threads to see what I've done.
  11. Update on painting! I've still got a lot of clean up to do but I think the initial pattern turned out pretty good.
  12. Update! Finished my initial strapping and started painting. I would really appreciate any feedback anyone has ASAP. I'm hoping to finish and submit this in the next couple of weeks. Thanks!
  13. Ok thanks! Any other tips or suggestions on my build so far?
  14. Ok it's been a while but I've gotten lots done. Started working on strapping and took some more pictures last weekend. Note: I do not have thigh straps or bicep straps in these pictures! I also have not riveted on my ammo pack or knee or added the cod strap. I added the velcro to my other shin after these were taken. The velcro I had just wasn't working on that one. Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks
  15. Mainly how the suspenders attach to the chest plate and back plate. I can see that it's 2 straps but is it 1 strap with both snaps and then the long suspender riveted to it or is it the suspenders snapped on and then a short strap with 1 snap riveted to the suspender strap?
  16. Mark, would you consider doing something like a conversion kit for the ROTJ blaster? Like just the greeblies, scope, and c-tracks?
  17. Can you explain more about your suspender system. I'm starting the strapping on my kit soon and just want some extra clarification on that part. Thanks!
  18. Some additional pictures showing the placement of the second bicep stripe and the finished glued on trim.
  19. Some updates. I got the trim added to all of my torso pieces and started masking off the areas on the arms for the stripes. I realized after I took these pictures that I did the stripes on the back instead of the front of the biceps so I will be fixing that tonight and adding more pictures. I wanted to double check the stripes before I painted them. Thanks again for the feedback!
  20. Yeah it's in the back of the shins and thighs. The rest hasn't been a problem.
  21. Ok. Well I had to trim the shins down and the overlap strip in the back is gone. Can I use a cover strip to remake the overlap strip?
  22. So for the overlap method do I use cover strips or not?
  23. So I found a really awesome ANH blaster kit with a functional folding stock and wondered if it would be possible to convert it to ROTJ for the TKC Centurion requirements. Thanks!
  24. Decided to go ahead and paint up my bucket.
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