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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by mikidymac

  1. Yeaaaa, I'm not buying that excuse. 


    Sounds like their timeline is a bunch of crap as usual.


    So Disney has been waiting for years?

    Disney pre ordered before the Alpha and Beta kits and are being delivered something that’s TLJ and completely different?


    Oh wait, that’s the regular customers.


    The other big difference is that Disney is actually receiving product.


    There’s no way Disney was in the order pipeline before us.


    $6,616.00 and yes it was for the full kit from what I understood. What I couldn't get anyone to answer is if was already assembled, ready to wear and came with all the soft goods. 

    At that price it should be the completed premium version.

    The real question is does it have the shoulder and side seams that aren’t 501st approved?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. As far as the helmets at Galaxy's Edge, I got a response from Anovos and LFL that the helmets at the parks are from a different supply chain than the Anovos ones. This would explain the liners, stands and different pricing. While this doesn't help me get my helmet my guess is that all of the Anovos resources went to making sure that Disney had product for the opening of GE and put us on the back burner. Although I don't agree with it I can understand it and hopefully now that GE is open they put all of their resources back to those of us in the community that actually got them started.


    I know it is very far fetched but I still hope they can ship us our crap.

  4. I am not sure how truthful the guy was that supposedly walked in and got a FOTK helmet  so I would be a little suspicious. Form what I am hearing it is a pre-order with delivery in 6-8 weeks. Either way though that is a pretty big slap in the face to all of us that have them on order. I think we need one of our members to actually verify what the in-park terms are.


    I think it will be really ugly at ComiCon for Anovos if you can get them at the park but we are still waiting. It would be interesting to see if they have any legal obligations to us or if at this point Disney is giving them so much money they are just going to screw all of us.

  5. The really, really , really frustrating thing is that the Kylo helmet, FOTK helmet and FOTK armor are Anovos and it is rumored if you order at the park they guarantee delivery in 6-8 weeks. This tells me that all of our outstanding orders either went to or are going to Disney first. By the timeline my suspicion is that the "Container" that was arriving in March with all our stuff then magically disappeared actually went to Disney also.

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  6. I just installed one in my wife's Shadow bucket that is the same as the ANH TK. Everything was top quality and fit perfectly.

    On her first troop with it she loved it.


    There were only a couple points she had after the troop but she is 100% happy with it.

    1. The speakers out the front could be a little louder but they are small so they can only do so much.

    2. The Hearing System could be a little louder as it is still a little hard to hear over the fans but better than nothing.

    3. The mic was getting some pretty good feedback. We have not had a chance to mess with it or talk to Tony but another trooper there was having the same problem.

  7. The best thing from this is how nice everyone was from the bottom to the top. Jon Favreau hit the nail on the head at the Mandalorian panel when he said he didn't know we knew nothing about why we were there and that we worked so hard. The first morning they jumped immediately into filming and most of us had no clue what to do and the crew seemed a little surprised. I think that it was Dave Filoni that told everyone we were 501st not extras then the crew realized we needed a little more direction than normal. From that point on I think our group nailed it and that we knew how to hold a blaster and move like a stormtrooper should as Jon said. The union extras kept having to be told by the crew to hold their blasters like the 501st.


    Towards the end of the first day we were doing some pretty involved work and one of the production assistants started to get a little frustrated with us since we were not catching her cues. Myself and a few other 501st said, "we have fans running and we can't hear you". She was surprised and asked, "what fans?", so we explained we had bucket fans so we can see. So from there she used hand signals for us and away we went.


    In the end I think we were in armor for well over 12 hours at a time, to the union extras it was just another paying job and no big deal to us it was a once in a lifetime experience.


    And yes, some of us now know how to use the restroom in full armor without making a mess.

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