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Everything posted by SofusSnake

  1. I really like the initiative, although I am somewhat on the opposite side, as in, a tad too slim, with no real muscle tone, although I'm not "skinny" by any means. (I guess I'm "normal", then, whatever that means, haha!) But! I would really like to see some progress in overall shape and bulk, if that's the word, mostly because of my posture, actually. I have no real core musculature, so i sit like a bag of potatoes and i stand like one of those scarecrows you see in old cartoons, and I guess that's not a good image when trooping, since it doesn't really fit in any sort of military cosplay or dress up. NO STYLE NOR STATURE! SHAME! I saw a while back some sort of image with "trooping excercise" to get in shape for the stormtrooper costume, has anyone posted that here? "Get in shape for the armor" and so on, a bunch of images of a person doing squats, sit-ups, etc. I have also seen the same sort of image posted for Batman costuming, although THAT training was even more rigorous.
  2. I thought It would be fun to see how many you out there who are dabbling in painting and drawing, or even other artsy ways of expression. Made this one last night for fun! Hope you guys won't be too enraged by the premise of a fellow TK in mortal peril.
  3. It's cool to see that several people have thought of the same thing here, and so many ways to achieve this. I agree that the most important part is probably to allow for the ventilation and breathing, and trying to avoid the old foggy goggles of death. (You would want to see the rebels when getting shot at.) Could be an idea to repurpose the "ears" as well to allow for some hidden vents, since those are pretty good for concealing stuff like wires and such already. Would be interesting to contact someone who works with these sort of things, like someone who dabbles in respiration/diving kits, to find out how they would rig these things, like one of those underwater diver masks that allow for radio usage. It's a real similiar concept except for a different "wrapping."
  4. Wow, that's impressive! I was thinking about making a mold too, maybe even going so far as making 3D printed parts. I think shapeways sell and manufacture quite precise parts, both metal and plastic (Even silver, bronze, gold and ceramics!) so you can have master parts to create molds around, could be handy for mass production of fine, precise detailing. If you can find someone to model them on a computer, that is.
  5. I agree! By the way, I just found someone else discussing this, incidentally he was from Norway, like I am. Maybe this is a norwegian thing, hahaha. I was thinking like a faux "sealed environment" neck piece that attaches to the helmet liner and air venting that's actually built into the lining of the side tubes, from the hovi tips and frown, via the traps and ending in the back exhaust slots, and maybe a proper mic/speaker setup in the front grill instead of the HOVI mics (since those are designated as "air vents" in the official descriptions. Also maybe some sort of rubber foam i.e. to separate the breathing parts from the goggle parts, and that fits snugly over the nose and around the eyes, to prevent fogging, or even ventilation grooves/tubing built directly into the eye section to keep the entire face section dry and circulated, but also leading the exhaled air out the back, all the while keeping the "pipes and plumbing" contained inside the lining of the helmet. Perhaps sound insulating it somewhat, could be possible so that the only clearly discernable sound is through the vocoder part (although i think this is a long shot.) Would be fun to see if something like this is actually feasible. Could be cool for a "prototype"/blueprint version.
  6. Now i know what's up with the picture, they just forgot to add the most crucial detailing!
  7. Cool, somehow it looks bulkier than the originals, like an extended universe heavy/armored trooper from the Jedi Knight video games or something. Seems like he's got some sort of weapon thing to the inside of his armguards. I'm looking forward to seeing someone build this type of trooper, though. (Those knee protectors look like they will be a pain in the.. "sarlacc pit" to fasten.) What's curious though, is that this is somewhat, and rather oddly, resembling a CG render or something, the pose looks really awkward when not in context to anything.
  8. I have been thinking about this one fore some years now, and i was curious... What are your opinions and thoughts on creating a "seamless" (for lack of a better word) costume/bucket, a "real" helmet, as in, "not as in the films", but perhaps a more "real" and functional, sealed, actual space-ready look/feel. That is, making a fully lined helmet for instance, with real air intakes/vents where appropriate instead of decals/paint, a breathing apparatus/air intake style frown, and a functional, sealed/hidden electronic setup inside to power fans and radio, etc. (As opposed to just being a hollow-shell event costume or having the meticulously screen-accurate movie costume variations of the 501st getups.) I was thinking something along the lines of the Visual Dictionary bucket mockup that's cross-sectioned to reveal the internal parts. Recently i saw the Man-at-Arms youtube video where they recreated the phantom blade weapon from Assassin's creed to form an actual (as in "lethal!") working metal-and-leather replica. and it kind of inspired me to think about taking a fake piece of plastic armor and creating something that could pass for proper, functioning (although probably not blaster proof ) Imperial trooper's military equipment. Probably seems a tad ambitious, and I have no intention of diving headfirst into this any time soon or probably ever actually making it, I was just curious about the thoughts and philosophies of you other tinkerers here on this topic. Has anyone ever attempted this?
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