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Posts posted by Heatshock

  1. hello and welcome Pete.


    I'm from UK - and have been doing research on TK armoru for a few months now.


    the armour in question is indeed a recast. I have heard some things regarding QA of this particular armour. Its also rather expensive.


    the helmet is said to be a modified lid - unknown origin of the original lid used. At least one other UK based Bayer of E is selling it too. Not sure wot the experts here would say, but the helmet doesnt look right to me, it certainly IS NOT movie accurate. Also, for the price being asked for the lid - there are much better sources both in terms of location ie US and in price.


    If I was US based - wouldnt even look at ebay tbh matey.


    Hope that helps.



  2. rofl THATS you mate - should have let me know :D Burnt too many times on eBay to just bid w/o finding out who is selling.


    No insult to our american cousins - but always happy to support a british prop maker! cos come on.... we really need em!


    I've bid put in mate (and it IS for more than 99p). Will be away next week or so, so prob wont win it - Let me know if u are selling em - need a neck seal anyways :D


    Good luck with sale steve.



  3. aye - I've been looking into this; apparently state-side u can get an excellent leather dye/paint known as angelus that teh Sneaker modders use. Not used it myself yet, but tryin to source some in UK myself (seems only 1 place in glasgow does em and they are currently sold out).


    the boot style is known by 2 names - jodphur boots or chelsea boots. Can get some right bargains, not just off the bay, but in some equestrian shops (and if u are smaller - can even buy a teenagers size for even more of a bargain!)


    Impt thing is to prep the shoe well - need acetone to take the top layer off the existing shoe b4 paint application. Also like all else here - multiple THIN layers is the key to prevent cracking on the paint job.


    I'm still debating whether to do this or go caboots tbh.


    good luck




  4. Adam - wow how did u come to that conclusion? Hope u arent talking abt the MR CE. To clarify - when u say "officially licence deluxe CE" - sounds like u are talking abt a Rubies. Now thats a completely different kettle of fish as it ISNT 501 acceptable, and does look like a piece of junk!


    bottom line is that the MR CE is 501 acceptable with some minor mods AND like all the helmets available today, have their supporters and detracters.


    No one can really make the decision for u whether its worth it or not. Its something, again like all the available kit for armour out there, that u have to make urself based on preference, cost, availability.


    Pro - cost, pretty decent lid if u can accept it symmetry (I actually like its symmetry, and was so glad when I heard it was 501 acceptable!)


    Cons - too symmetrical, mods(and time) required, strange looking ears (note - not required to mod for clearance)


    Alain - I agree with Noel. I know everyones time is precious, but I do white armour as a hobby. For me the journey is half the fun. I've took over a month to do my MR CE mods - and still have traps and forwn to do!! - as I have to balance real life with hobby. Has it delayed clearance - definately, am I bothered? Not at all. Having all the gear on sometimes makes me a little sad, as I've completed that particular project. Besides, even after completion; I keep looking at my MR CE and keep wondering, wot would it look like if...... rofl. Maybe its a left over from when I didnt have the cash to spend on gettin a completed or nicer kit; but I do like the personalised bits eg a little wonky drill hole for the frown, or a run in a hidden corner, weird little scratch in a lid that no one else can see, but u are convinced its like a HUGE gorge over the left eye.


    But like I said - to each his own, and theres nothing wrong with that!



  5. hmmm I'm a little concerned abt ur remark regarding the Hasb E-11 blaster. I hope u havent picked up a CLONE blaster by mistake?


    the Stormtrooper blaster out at the moment is actually the same design as Hasb TK blasters before, just a new paint scheme. Hope that helps.


    - Anything else I should be collecting before the armor comes?


    neck seal

    body suit


    lid bling bling - not a requirement eg fans, electronics

    Paints or decals (mike does some loverly ones) for lid

    tools - including ur choice of glue? Heavy industrial strength velcro etc


    not sure abt the glove question, I am goign for a cheap pair of Nomex.


    think thats it



  6. welcome Fergal.


    Cranky's beat me to posting the relevant threads. I've got a FX + MR CE (ie the play.com lid); and despite its faults I like it. But have a careful read abt the 2nd link abt the diff types of armour options - as u may want other types of armour.


    the other thing to consider is import tax - i recently bought in some US clone armour for abt USD 425 but got hit with GBP60 tax and handling by HM CUstoms and Parcel force :( - doesnt always happen, but customs doesnt tend to give u the benfit of the doubt when its such a big box !


    there is also a UK armourer - but be prepared for upwards of 500 quid; it is loverly armour. pm me if u need mroe info.


    Lastly - considered signing up to UK Garrison? friendly and good honest bunch over there that have helped me no end :D



  7. hey timmer,


    appreciate the fact that no hobby stores are near by :D


    and Prof - that was a nice find; although it does contradict what I was abt to say - I was sure someone once substituted a Tamiya paint (easier to find in the US than HUmbrol). Tried searching but I couldnt find it.


    Mike - any ETA on those MR CE decals yet? cos I can defo confirm at least 2 sets for me :D



  8. phil - simply use the search key here, bikerscout.net, CT.net, CE, TDH or any reputable prop board - I am sure u will find that SFP is probably the ultimate buyer beware.


    not only are his wares down right inaccurate in some cases, he is also a known recaster who has been allegedly "nasty" to some original prop makers who have protested abt his usage of their original sculpts.


    He is also known to be unreliable, with slow and poor record of delivary - and its been once quoted that spending money at SFP is like giving money away.


    on the personal side - it was alleged molestation of a minor and I know of at least one guy (and his family) who were threatened


    Keep away, under no circumstances purchase from this vendor.



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