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TK bondservnt

501st Member[501st]
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Posts posted by TK bondservnt

  1. The 501st is not like a business.  We have personal choices, and are not under any kind of corporate rule.  Albin our leader, and founder has made statements quite to the contrary.

    it has in fact been said that the 501st does not have to be a lacky to disney, and as a separate group we don't have to simply bow to some kind of ban on blasters.


    if you're not a 501 member, and don't have access to the debate, then you're just guessing. 


    it has clearly been shown in the public eye this week disney employees, major actors in the film (mark hamill) have openly been carrying blasters in open public appearances.

    I see no blaster ban in place for disneyland, or for hollywood Blvd.


    sounds like a crock to me.

    • Like 1
  2.  What happened today is one more reason why we need to take care.


    every single day, we're going to see events that compassion and love can be shared.  After all love of mankind is what the 501st is all about....


    Stand strong, and stand against fear, and against gun violence and terrorism.


    I vote we keep carrying toy guns as a show of support.

    • Like 1

    I can't help but comment after watching the news and my FB feed all day...
    Whether you troop with or without your blaster, I urge you to CONSIDER the following:
    As we watch the beginning of jihad on our soil, and as EP7 and Christmas approach, I encourage all of you to keep your eyes up, and heads on a swivel.
    If you think what's happening now is, or will continue to be isolated, and it can't be, or simply isn't terrorism, you should probably do yourself a favor and just stay home.
    If you're going out, the MOST important thing you can do is PLAN.
    As Vern has pointed out repeatedly, DO NOT fear going anywhere.
    DO NOT fear going to a movie, a Christmas function or going shopping.
    But PLAN, and make sure everyone in your group KNOWS the plan.
    Here are a few things you can do to be more vigilant in public:
    -Always look for more than one way to escape.
    -Know where multiple exits are.
    -Keep your eyes open for heavy cover areas. 
    -Watch those around you. 
    -Bulky coats will be everywhere during winter. Look for bulges at waist height that look unnatural.
    -Don't let family members venture farther than a few steps.
    -Have a family agreement that you will be the sheepdog. So you're on watch. They do the shopping, while you do your job. 
    -If you need to shop, do your shopping alone and leave the family at home. 
    -Look for people who seem out of place or are acting unnaturally.
    -Avoid malls if possible. Small shops have less people, and are less likely to be a target for terrorists. Their goal is the largest body count with the least effort.
    Hopefully, the worst that will happen is you can tell me I'm ridiculous or having a knee jerk reaction...


    beautiful common sense!

    well done!

  4. Again, there's no loss of freedom here. You were never guaranteed a right to bear blasters. In the 501st, you're part of an organization. As such, you're required to follow its guidelines. You agreed to that when you signed on. You forfeited your "freedom" the day you became a member.


    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk


    huh?  pure doubletalk.


    no loss, by giving up the right?  Albin himself has made it a point in this debate.  read the posts on the main board.

    my point will always be that if fear makes us change our lives, (carrying a toy gun with pride.) then the terrorists win.


    Then I never will give up my freedom to carry an e-11, or an F11.    I am a stormtrooper.   I carry a toy gun.  I'm proud of it, just like my armor.


    way too THX 1138 for me... sorry... no go.


    none of the members of the 501st have ever been expected to do anything less than represent the legion with pride.


    I'll be wearing my TX and carrying a lightsabre.

  5. I feel a compromise would be more along the lines of keeping our weapons that resemble guns holstered. They can still be inspected by the police at the TFA theaters events and peace bonded with whatever secret colored ribbons the event coordinators wish to use.





    Scott Alan Wilcox | TK-42194 | Centurion | Imperial Rangers Fire Team | Kilted Trooper Brigadeo


    North Texas Squad Leader 2015



    "Lord Vader is coming - look busy..."



    what a great reason to wear a holster?   That is what it's for!  so we could ask the 501 to holster their weapon unless asked for photos

  6. I think everyone has been well mannered here, and I like that.


    "Standing up to terrorism, is much more important than letting it CHANGE our freedoms.  I personally believe that our image is best served with our entire freedom

    to be represented by PROTECTING our right to be free."


    in western society, and modern culture if we allow the concept of fear, or 'respect' to change our freedom, then we simply allow terrorism to shrink our ability to indeed be free.


    This is much more than just toy guns.   This is about how we handle the cultural impact of terrorism.

    what do we do?  hold up in our houses while we play shooter games all day, and walk out of the house in fear of being gunned down?

  7. I use the standard TK star foam, and a tight chinstrap.


    Some people use a hardhat liner, or a bunch of padding like a baseball or motorcycle helmet.  (overkill in my opinion.)

    I like my helmets to be lightweight, with lot's of airflow.


    padding inside a helmet is completely just too heavy, bulky and sweat inducing.  sure, you're going to see people advising all sorts of

    fancy padding.  To me it's not like you're going to get hit with a stick, rock or baseball bat.  


    sometimes I wonder why there is so much padding needed?

  8. I think it was a mistake to take a stance like this so public.  To actually bring the concept of fear, of being shot to a cosplay event, is why the terrorists win.

    if we change our process of dealing with these situations by knee jerk reaction, this eventually might lead to the banning of helmets, masks and anything

    that presents some kind of "threat" in cosplay.


    Fear of being shot by Law Enforcement is a daily concept.  You don't even need a gun to be shot.


    I completely understand and support people's feelings on this.  How about putting special RF tags on our blasters,

    offering a permitting process for all cosplay weapons, and to allow ourselves to be organized, and informed

    on event security.


    events could require us to be licensed cosplay weapons public performers, with law enforcement present during the

    event as a show of solidarity, with public security in mind.


    a bold show of cosplay weapons policy is being developed here.   I vote that we as free people be given a pathway to attend events

    with our full costume in place.

    • Like 4
  9. Fear will keep the local systems in line. 


    personally I have been asked at several events by law enforcement if my prop is real, and since I own and use a sound system, they are usually quite surprised

    by my response when I tell them over the speaker that my prop is a solid block of resin, or rubber, with no moving parts.


    In every single event where blasters have been present, the event marked the item with a zip tie.


    I personally don't agree that free people should bow to public pressure from terrorist groups.  If we ban blasters in the 501st legion, then we are

    showing FEAR.


    Orange Tips , tags, flags and zip ties have worked for over 15 years, and they are mandated in some states.

    devaluing the methods used in the past, as if they were not good enough simply shows a loss of freedom.

    • Like 4
  10. It is my hope that blasters are not banned.  That is not my idea of the spirit of standing up against terrorism.  it indeed shows that we have a lot to consider here.

    I like non blaster events, but I like blaster events even more.


    let us not allow the situation in the world stop us from being free.


    And please FISD, don't argue, or fret about this.  Eventually we will have a better situation.


    how about orange tips on all blasters?


    Changes in policy should be stated for a limited time, in honor of paris,

    but we should strongly consider to stand up for our right to be back to normal in feb. at the least!

    • Like 10
  11. An Email I received.


    ****NO BLASTER USE / DISPLAY | Lucasfilm, Ltd. - Disney Policy****

    ***********************EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY*************************

     Garrison Members,

    As many know, Lucasfilm/Disney has made a request that we "refrain from
    displaying any prop that resembles a gun at all events (including
    non-theatrical ones) until further notice."

    Legion Command has spent much time processing feedback that has been
    generated following this request - from further discussions with LFL, from
    members, from council, and in some cases from the public.

    Legion Command is respectfully requesting that units honor Lucasfilm’s
    request as they finalize their plans for the The Force Awakens premiere
    especially. It is also encouraged for events between now and January 7th,
    2016. During this time, LCS will be engaging in conversations with Legion
    Council to determine the best way for the Legion, as a whole, to approach

    We understand that the Legion membership has no interest in making this a
    fundamental, open-ended change. It is our belief that, in the long-term,
    Garrisons (and Outposts), upon consulting with an event host, should be
    able to make the decision on when blasters are appropriate on a case by
    case basis.

    LCS will not be auditing for compliance, but reminds members that they are
    required to follow policies regarding weapon restrictions as determined by
    the leadership of the unit coordinating the event. We cannot state for
    certainty that there will not be ramifications from LFL if a Garrison or
    member decides to not comply with LFL’s request.

    - Albin Johnson | 501st Legion Commanding Officer -

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