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Posts posted by rapstertee

  1. It's relatively early days, but I *may* be selling my ENTIRE AP kit (without helmet or blaster) at the end of the year.


    It's AP, trimmed to fit me (I'm 5'8") (and I'm Elite Cleared.)


    CA Boots Size US 10 (UK 9.5)


    Undersuit 1 piece


    Gloves - Nomex copies


    All straps & TD canister


    Triktoys Amp & mic


    Vinyl Neckseal


    As per FISD requirements, I'm asking £600 GBP or best offer. Shipping wll be extra.




  2. So, i am having a horrible time trying to find any kind of glue to keep my thigh pieces together :( Next to velcro whats the best alternative? My dad was thinking maybe riviting them but i thought that might be a bit too visable from the outside... Anyone have any experiance with this?


    Don't rivet them!


    I think most troops here would agree you have two choices for glue: E6000 and Poly Weld.


    E6000 (I've never used it) I hear it takes a long time to cure, but is a very strong bond.


    Poly Weld, is great, but you have to rub a bit of sandpaper on the areas where yo uwant to glue, and be VERY careful that it doesn't drip.


    I used Poly Weld on my AP, not many mistakes, and firmed thigns up with Cyanoacrylate (crazy glue (USA) or Super-Glue (UK)

  3. Hmmm, well i don't have a heat gun and it makes me really nervous to think i could disfigure this beautiful piece of plastic with one mistake. I could look into it though, because i bet that's pretty well my only option for a perfect fit.


    A guy I know actually curved his AP ab plate by donning welders gloves and holding the plate over a gas cooker ring! Worked fine!

  4. I had the EXACT same problem withthe ab plate, so this is that I did:


    I used a heat gun on the inside, making viertical strokes to soften the plastic - about 5 or 6 inches from the side edge, then once it was pliable, bend it gently in and i dipped it into a basin of cold water to cool it down. It might take a few attempts - and don't get too close with the heat, ok?


    The finished result is you're looking for a smooth, even curve, where the very sides of the ab plate are parallel with each other. Imagine a U shape - where the bottom of the U is the front of your abs.


    Looking at your backplate, you could then probably afford to trim an inch off each side, before you hinge the front to the back. But don't cut anything until the ab plate is perfect. I'd suggest getting a roll of masking tape and having someone tape the pieces together with you in it, so you can see how it'll go tgether.

  5. You have yourself a mighty fine kit thats gonna be the envy of your garrison for sure when its finished.


    Looking good - I love my AP but - I have a confession:


    I'm the only AP wearer for miles around. I know of only one other guy in AP and I just feel inferior compared to all the FX / RT / SDS /TM guys around. It feels like I'm less shiny, off-white, and the AP's screen-style 'innaccuracies' make me stand out at troops, so it looks lik eI'm in the cheaper-looking suit. :(

  6. Sweet,


    I should have my armor ordered in the next day or two. Then for a suit. Can anyone give the pros and cons of either under armour or dive suit?


    It should be skin tight with no bunching, correct?


    An Extreme Racing undersuit is a good choice - they'll even suply it without logos if you ask them. UnderArmour is also very popular. One or two piece is your chouice, but I have a one piece which keeps everything tight and warm.

  7. I did my entire AP armour using a scalpel. NO sandpaper, no dremel.


    All you have to remember is:


    1. DRAW a pencil line to guide you first, then SCORE very lightly and slowly. This will make a groove that the next few scores will follow. SLOWLY is the key. If you slip, use something like the back of a spoonto rub the scratch down, adn it'll be hardly noticeable.


    If you have trouble following a pencil line, stick insulation tape on the ABS and follow the edge of that.


    (If you slip with a Dremel, it'll be harder to hide)


    2. Bend gently along the line, until it goes easily. It should snap cleanly.


    3. Use the blade at 90 degrees to the sharp edge of the plastic, and run it across two or 3 times. That should smooth the edges. You can of course use a little sandpaper, but try not to rub the glossy face of the armour too much.


    If the plastic is too thick in places (and it will be often), bend it a tiny bit and runght blade dwon the bent groove, it'll soon become easier to bend and snap.


    USE GREAT CAUTION witha scalpel. I slipped a number of times, the worst one nearly involved a 999 call, as when it cuts, it cuts deep! so be very careful, ok?


    also, when you bend and snap, ensure the snap happens slowly and under control, don't let it thwack you in the face!

  8. Hi Leandro,


    I think the process would be this:

    1) get to see someone's kit - no amount of reference pics will help you as much as actually seeing a kit in real life. Take measurements, photos and drawings.


    2) Sculpt the pieces individually, using either clay, or as I have in the past, plasticene. Take time to capture detail and symmetry etc.


    3) Cover the finished sculpt with silicone rubber. gofor a thickness of about half an inch.


    4) Once that's dry, pour on plaster of paris ('Herculite' or 'crystacal' is really hard stuff that won't break easily) with builders scrim, or plaster bandages (MOdRoc) to make a hard jacket that keeps the shape.


    5) Turn the whole thing over and clean out the clay, leaving a nice clean silicone negative.


    6) use Gelcoat and fibreglass matting to make a fibreglass positive of the piece. Alternatively, you could pour in more plaster, but the vacuum and heat may break these positives over time.


    7) pull out the positive and make sure the edges atr trimmed and the entire thing is very solid. If there are weak points, get in there with bondo or more fibreglass and reinforce it.


    8) Affix it to your vacform board, drilling holes in places where you won't need the plastic, to all ow the suction to work properly..


    9) heat up the plastic, and SUCK!


    Hope that helps!


    oh - one more:


    10) don't forget to post pics up on FISD to show us your progress!



  9. As you can see, TE2 has a LOT of fans. I can't comment specifically on it as I've never seen it up close, but I imagine the sharper detail that comes from the HIPS plastic is a good thing, while the arduous task of painting and priming (make a mistake and you're in for a world of pain) is not so good.


    The main TWO reasons I picked AP (it was gonna be FX ) is that its more accurate than FX and it fits smaller people - I'm 5'8" - there are some guys here who are 6' wearing AP too , though.


    Of course I have AP. Yes, it was a little tricky to assemble - thighs more so than any other part. Helmet easy. Shins easy. And this is just a personal preference, but I don't like the sound of a bumpy cap. Whether its a genuine screen-used look, the man in the street will think you've messed up your paint job.


    My AP doesn't seem to polish up as shiny as some TM or FX suits that I've seen - but then again, I've never used Novus on it, just good ole Mr. Sheen spray polish. Heres a pic - I'm on the right, while the other two are wearing FX armour with (i'm pretty sure) SDS lids. You decide.




    I've just noticed my kit has that faint blueish tint to it. Which is fine, I feel it looks more 1977!


    Oh - and look how SPACIOUS my codpiece is :D hahaha!

  10. I may be the only one in the world with this opinion. I love Bladerunner, yes. I saw it the first time at the world Science Fiction convention in Chicago in like 81 or 82. My deal is-- I HATE the director's cut. Why can't I just buy the theatrical version by itself on DVD? I don't need 18,000 different versions. I loved the original. I loved that it was like an old detective movie with Harrison Ford's narration. A while back I let my girlfriend watch it. We only had the director's cut and she said it sucked. She could not understand what was going on and I have to agree with her. If you've never seen it and know nothing about it, the director's cut is awful. Too hard to understand. Now I know all you BR lover's are probably screaming Blasphemy right now, but which did YOU see first? Give me the original anyday.


    I concur. I have a problem with Directors popping back to mess about with their original edits. YOU TOO GEORGE!!!


    I loved Harrison Ford's 'forced' laconic narration, even if he hated doing it.

  11. Thanks!!! I've been reading on here all evening, and seen some great discussion and have learned a lot. I have become confused though about which armour to try to get AP or FX? I never really noticed the difference in the armour until i seen the photos and compared them. And I've found some links regarding body suit and other additional needed pieces Plus, I've e-mailed the some of the mid-south garrison for advise on armour also.

    Question though, where can I locate a blaster at? The local Toy stores are out of stock. Thanks again Derek


    I know that AP is smaller than FX. I have AP because I'm 5'8".


    RT-MOD is much larger and looks stunning. Go for it!

  12. During the summer of ..er...when ROTS came out, George Lucas had STAR WARS logos all over one of the Formula 1 team cars.


    When it went in for a pit-stop, the pit team all had white jumpsiots on, and their F1 helmets all had TK style faceplates on which made them look like Stormtroopers, or at least the Clone pilots. Some pics....


  13. wow - that's a totally new one on me - never seen that type before.

    It's not awful, but it needs a few improvements -


    correct side tube stripes - clean off the big ones and buy a decal set.


    thin black line around grey ear box thing


    ear screws - 3 per side


    bigger brow trim.


    any probs - ask me or anyone else for info!

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