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Dark PWF

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Posts posted by Dark PWF

  1. Tim!. Buddy:-)

    No drama whatsoever!...good that you focus on the most important stuff...your family:-)

    Disney World sounds brilliant, I've only been to Disneyland Paris, but numerous times...love it!....and now that Star Wars has become even deeper into Disney, it will only get better;-)

    Thank you for the kind words and the congrats! Looking forward to seeing you in your armour!.:-)


    I have boots now!!!  LoL


    So at the moment, I have undergarments, and boots...  I can be a Stormtrooper that was a victim of a mugging for Halloween.  LoL


    Funny that you mention the Star Wars/Disney link.  I was told by a cast member (employee) that I was talking to that they are hearing that the Hollywood Studios Park (at Disney World) will be exploding with Star Wars over the next couple of years.  Looking forward to it for sure!

  2. Ahhh...  Still a little ways off.   Good luck to all of you on the promotion boards.  I'm not eligible for any of them for a few more years.  I just need the next E8 list to come out so that my assignments manager can accurately forecast where he'll need me to go so that I will know where we'll be moving to this spring.


    On a more forum-oriented side note, my boots arrived on Friday afternoon (I just got home from vacationing in FL today) and I love them already.  So now...  I own undergarments and boots.  I suppose I could be a TK that got mugged, for Halloween.  LoL.


    Doopydoos blaster should be ordered in mid-late November, followed by hand guards/gloves, neck seal, belt, possibly a grappling hook/comlink set-up and then the fun will be beginning, stuff like rivets, webbing, snaps, paints, tools, etc...  in anticipation of my armor being pulled.


    As Ingrid pointed out, it is the hobby of waiting for us newbie/recruit types.  LoL

  3. The armor isn't the problem, you're just too big for it, the next size up is RTmod. It comes with a more accurate helmet too


    This may be something to consider.


    Patience is the keyword.


    This is a very vital key to this process from start to finish.


    You've got some good advice in this thread already, and I can't add much more to it as I'm quite early in the process myself (I own an undersuit and boots at the moment, and I'm on the waitlist for armor until next year sometime) but I can say that research is key to making better decisions for the hobby, and reading FISD / asking questions if you don't understand something are keys to the research process.


    The thread you posted in "Getting Started - Read this First!" includes a lot of great information for a new recruit. 


    I will throw out this tidbit that the actors in the movie were all (roughly) 5' 10" tall and 170 - 180 lbs.  As a result, any armor that is based off of an original sculpt/kit, etc...  Is built for troopers about that size.


    Keep reading, so you can figure out what the best move is for you going forward, ask questions if you've got them and welcome Sylvain, to FISD! 


    Good luck.  ;)



  4. I greatly appreciate the monthly newsletter, team!


    As one of the new-ish (not-yet-a) troopers, I feel that it helps tremendously, by putting some very useful information in our hands.  While the forums are here for us to read, the newsletter is an opportunity for different bits and pieces to be highlighted/spotlighted for awareness.  Great tool and great information.


    Thanks for the extra time and work.

  5. Bonus:

    3. The real winners will be 501st troopers, as they'll have 2 good sources for accurate boots. :)

    This right here... 


    That's the bottom line!  (With Soren's addition, of course)

    More suppliers of quality boots makes for a much happier base of troopers, as they'll be more readily available.  In the end, we all win.  :)


  6. Welcome Greg, to FISD!!


    You can talk about which armor you have ordered. 

    If you go through the getting started threads, and I cannot find the actual thread to link to it - sorry...  I believe that it states (again - someplace) that you should keep discussions about pricing and the content of any private communications (emails/private messages, etc) private without the consent of both parties. 

    As for what armor types people have...  You can look up a lot of them in the EIB/Centurion application threads, so there is no harm in saying WHAT you bought.


    Good luck!!


    Edit:  I found it mentioned in post #39 of the threads on this page here:  http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/65-things-to-consider-before-buying-armor/page-2

  7. Thanks for all the tips.  This is most helpful.  Makes sense about the armor being sculpted to those proportions.  Have you met Temuera Morrison at any of the events or shows?  I ended up staying at the same hotel as him at Celebration Europe and it was a small hotel.  We were actually on the same floor, and I ended up having drinks with him and Jeremy Bulloch on the last day of the show.  I was rather surprised (and pleased) to discover that Tem is no taller than me.  Jeremy is a very tall fellow, (compared to me.)  But, in all the pictures I have with Tem, we are head-to-head.  I was rather surprised they didn't pick somebody taller to pick the clone template in the movies.  I keep one of the pics on my phone.  If anyone ever tells me I'm a little short for a stormtrooper, I can tell them: "No way.  I can prove that I'm EXACTLY the right height."

    LoL...  That is so awesome.  I haven't been to any of the events yet.  Hopefully I can have as rewarding an experience as you had.  That's very cool about hanging with Tem and JB, who I believe is about my height, actually...  Perhaps there IS a BH uniform in my future.

  8. Soren


    I've heard some really bad things about doopeydoos, extremely long wait, not receiving the item, etc, did you receive your's yet?

    Brian, I believe that there may be some issues with the DLT-19s, specifically, being shipped to the US by Doopydoos, but outside of that there is nothing bad that I've seen about them.  Most of the TKs that I know carry a Doopydoos E-11, and I'll be ordering mine soon. 

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