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Dark PWF

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Everything posted by Dark PWF

  1. Thank you Eric, I'll be sure to do that when I hit the queue!
  2. Good luck, Zach! Clearly, there is interest in where your project goes.
  3. Pretty much the same here... 41 and a half and on the wait list for my first armor. I think that there are a few things to keep in mind. The hobby is not a cheap one to get into, and the purpose behind the 501st is in support of charity. These are things that most people are not able to commit to in most cases until they have reached a certain point of success in life. I believe that tends to draw more of the physically older crowd.
  4. Dangerous proposition, giving a Stormtrooper access to Tony Stark's weaponry. ;D Overall though... I agree with Eric (Tolo), I think it is cool looking for fan art.
  5. Wow... You really did it! You found out how to get, how to get to Sesame Street! Looks like a blast! Thanks for sharing Clamps!
  6. Thank you. I've got to admit that I've been slightly anxious about this - and for no real reason, my armor is still deep in Rob's queue up in Canada - but looking at the changes, I'm not at all alarmed as they represent what I feel will be minor changes when I begin my build as opposed to massive undertakings. Further, as others have noted, it will certainly set a better and still attainable standard for both EIB and Centurion! Thanks again, Eric, and the staff members associated and involved in the changes.
  7. It's all good Kevin. I would have truly appreciated meeting you, but I did have a great time. More stoked than ever to receive my armor now. LoL... Matt was a boss as Vader, too. Definitely a great experience to break-in with.
  8. Hey everyone, my wife found this earlier. What this is, is smile.amazon.com. http://smile.amazon.com/gp/charity/homepage.html You go to the link, sign in with your Amazon Prime account and select a charity. From that point forward (I'm not sure if/when there is a closing date) 5% of your eligible purchases will be donated to the charity that you selected. With the holiday season upon us soon, shopping will theoretically be increasing and seeing as how we are all here on the internet to begin with, this is an opportunity that many of us may be able to take advantage of, while continuing to do a big part of what it is that drew us all together here. Thanks for taking a moment to look into it.
  9. Just when I thought it could get no better... Excellence continues, Alexsey!!!
  10. For strictly Halloween, yeah... I'm with Dizzy here. I'm just going to throw this out there, too. That first auction says that it has a RomFX in it. If that is true, that alone is close to half of the cost of the auction, as it will cost about $350 for that when you convert British pounds to USD and they are manufactured inconsistently (for time - not quality) at best. That is of course, assuming that it does have an actual RomFX in it. (Edit: Looking closely at the pics, it does indeed appear to be an actual RomFX board in the listing - with speakers in the Hovi Tips - nice audio setup, if nothing else.) I might kill someone for a RomFX. (it would, of course, be some rebel scum ) Also, yes... Your friend could get a much more accurate armor for that much or less if he looked around here.
  11. Really some great work, but I've got to say that the Dewback seems out of place in that picture. LoL
  12. Thank you again, for saving so many of us from some of the same brand of confusion at a later date!
  13. LoL... At the time, it was one of the most horrible moments of my life. Now of course, it is one of my fondest memories.
  14. Definitely can understand how you feel. Looking at your pics I'm going "So awesome. OMG look at all of those pieces." Good luck with your build!
  15. Unless your phone and my computer are looking at it from a similar point of view, I'd say that it is not your phone, and the tube stripes are black - and poorly placed to boot.
  16. Speaking of kids being embarrassed by Star Wars dads... When I was probably 11 years old, my family and a group of our friends (some other families) were walking through one of the malls. There had to be about 8 to 10 kids in the group. In the middle of the main "square" of the mall, my father stops walking, puts his right hand on his chest, extends his left arm straight out to the side in a grand sweeping gesture and begins "singing" (something he is known - to this day for being horrible at doing) at the top of his lungs "No more Rice Krispies.... Darth Vader has taken them away...." I don't know that you've ever seen children more embarrassed by anything.
  17. Obviously, as I don't have armor yet I wasn't trooping, but Saturday was my first 501st event and it was really a very rewarding and exciting experience for me. I acted as a photographer and a handler for some outside movements, and got to learn about some of the difficulties that you might have dependent upon the fit of your armor. I got to see, and handle some armor first-hand which was quite a nice thing, but mostly I got to see how people react and light-up when they see the 501st in action. I got to see how you can interact with children of different ages to help them open up and accept the big scary TK or SL as someone that is friendly. As personal experiences go, it was - as I said - very rewarding and only further cemented my already rock solid commitment to becoming a member of the 501st. My thanks to the Alabama Garrison leadership and members for asking some recruits to come along. Here are some pics:
  18. Tehya, Just wanted to say that it looks like you're taking the sensible and practical approach. Choose a topic and do your research. Then, choose another topic. You keep that up, and you'll be fine. Take a look at Glen's link above. He does (in my humble opinion) some very good work, and the link he sent is a great example of getting the Hero helmet done right. Slow and steady....
  19. I just saw this commercial on television, and figured that I just also had to share it. Made me laugh out loud - if only briefly. http://youtu.be/QyoUP-jRjaM It is on youtube, and is SFW - unless your boss is anti Star Wars, or perhaps a rebel sympathizer.
  20. I've been on Rob's wait list since late August. Truly excited about the eventual arrival of the big brown box. It is a pretty serious wait, but from everything that I've seen and read here at FISD and elsewhere online, combined with my dealings with Rob so far it will all be worth it when the time comes. Thanks to Rob for all that he does for TKs and (I imagine) TDs everywhere. Thanks to all of his other customers and reviewers here at FISD for helping me to understand that he is the right armor maker for me. Come on, 2014!
  21. LoL. You need to superimpose yourself on a speeder bike or a skif jumping over a couple of Star Destroyers.
  22. That is a very nice sculpt. Honestly, if I were to build two armors that were not of a Star Wars origin, they'd be Master Chief and an original BSG Cylon. Beautiful piece though. Are you doing the full kit, or just the helmet?
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