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About TKEAZ1603

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    Naperville, IL

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  1. We use an all natural earth pigment blended with water. That pic of me was over 4th of July weekend, up at Fort Niagar. right on the lake, temps nearing 100* We sweat right through the paint, but are instantly cooled off by the breeze. i would never wear armor with paint, just a realy cool idea. -Stixx
  2. And just why can't we paint our bodies black?? I mean, it's not like I don't do enough of that during my other hobby.... In this pic, half of my body is painted black, come on....please...it'll save money.... haha J?K ----------
  3. Ok, just myabe a brain melt here, but what about the two pod flyers around Bespin? I don't know if I saw the wrong person piloting those, but I thought that Troopers were pictured inside them? Please correct me if I'm wrong. And let's broaden beyond regular troops, let's list all vehicles withtheir Imperial "driver".
  4. I really don't know what to ask. I joined this site, like a few others, to gain some perspective on just what Imperial impression I wated to do. Ok, here's my little question. I don't know the answer, so it'll give me something to do over the weekend, but it should make for some intersting guesses and discussion. How many vehicles do you see Stormtroopers in or piloting/driving throughout the series? -Stixx
  5. I believe that the answer you seek is the Nazi Party of the late 1930s and 1940s. Much of the costuming and even some of the film shots can be interpreted as a reflection of this "Empire" in our history. Personal side note: While this part of our history is tragic and sad, there is no excuse for not teaching it or "sugar-coating" what really happened. If we do not have knowledge and respect for every part of our history, we are doomed to repeat histories "mistakes". (Steps down off of soap box) -Stixx
  6. Original in the Star Wars realm of our world, or in the non-Star Wars world that our alter egos live in this very day? If it is the world that we live in today, you're right the answer is very disturbing. But then again so much from the Imperial world was ttaken from that period of world history. If nothing else, it can be said that history can be taught through amny different forms.
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