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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Posts posted by tkrestonva

  1. Better to ditch both the Anovos strapping and recommendations entirely. Ukswarth's thread here at FISD is the go-to source for how to properly build an Anovos kit.


    But since you asked ... you need to reduce the length of the shoulder strapping - the shoulder bells should almost touch the plastic shoulder bridges. As for the biceps, you can either hang them from the straps that run across the bottom of the shoulder bells using homemade bicep hooks (i.e. the Han Solo hooks), or internally strap them to the shoulders using black 1" wide elastic.

    • Like 1
  2. I haven't joined yet no, kind of figured I should wait until I have my armor set up and done before going out and putting myself out there. I just got my printer back so I'm barely starting on getting my F-11D Heavy blaster made. It'll be a good year before I even see my FO kit from Anovos. Hope I don't have any issues in getting approved though.


    Buddy of mine whom I loaned my printer out too was telling me he was going to start assembling his clone commando kit very soon but he might wait so we can tackle his kit and mine at the sametime.



    And again everyone, thanks for the welcome.

    It's always a good idea to hook up with your local garrison sooner rather than later, even if you still have many months to wait before actually getting your armor kit. It gives you the opportunity to meet them, attend armor parties, help out at troops as a handler when needed, and look at their armor up close - especially if there are members who wear the costume that you are interested in.

  3. The vest looks awesome, and the price is good - significantly less than the $200 shipped cost those of us who have the fan-made vests from Chris Hale paid for ours. However, when you add in the cost of Anovos shipping (which to my 20190 zip code is nearly $50) then add whatever the applicable sales tax is, the cost seems just about the same.

    The Anovos vest does look a bit more accurate than my fan-made vest, and it certainly took me longer to get my vest that I would have liked. Nonetheless, I have it right now and have been trooping with it since this past June. So if I was starting my TFA TK journey completely from scratch I'd probably go the full Anovos route. But Anovos' less-than-sterling reputation for making their estimated shipping dates is something to keep in mind.

    • Like 2
  4. Boots: TKBoots or Imperial Boots

    Gloves: Black nomex for comfort, rubber chemical gloves for accuracy

    Undersuit: Underarmor or a cheaper knock-off brand, as long as the labels can either be hidden or otherwise covered up

    Canvas belt: TKittell (either here at FISD or via his website at imperialissue.com)

    Voice changer: Either a standalone Aker MR1506 or an Aker / iComm combo


    In addition, start accumulating the tools and supplies needed for your build. Clamps, rare earth magnets, blue painters tape, E6000 adhesive, cutting tools, etc.

  5. Welcome.


    Like you said, be sure to hit up our local NoVA armor parties. That's the best way to get the fitting help you may need. It also helps to have experienced people looking at you from different angles.


    If I were to offer any advice when it comes to fitting assembly, it's (1) always double and triple check your measurements before doing any fit trimming, and (2) use E6000 since it is much easier to correct a mistake than if you use CA glue or some other adhesive.

    • Like 1
  6. Most "out of the box, ready to wear" kits ... aren't. They almost always require fitting adjustments, no matter how carefully you were measured prior to having the suit being built.


    As others have said, you are fortunate in that you have RS Propmasters and Troopermaster nearby (or at least nearer to you than those of us in the Western Hemisphere, other parts of Europe, and Asia). Either can work with you the entire way to build a suit that is specifically tailored to your measurements.


    Also, definitely check in with the UKG.

  7. My biggest question mark is how thick (or thin) will the plastic be. If it's the same gauge of plastic used in the OT TK kits, then that could be problematic.


    Also, here is a sneak preview as to what the kit looks like. As far as can be told, the seller stole or copied it from an Anovos facility in CA and tried to fence it on ebay - the auction lasted maybe a day before it was taken down.




    Thickness concerns aside and assuming the above is an actual representation, I would buy it if I didn't already have one of the prototype kits. It certainly looks a lot easier to assemble. But I simply don't see enough of an improvement in the details to warrant it right now, at least while my current TFA kit is still serviceable.

    • Like 4
  8. Awesome, thanks for the feedback. Looks like I will wait and save myself some grief down the road and stick with Anovos. Another question, did 501st members get first crack at the Anovos TFA TK when they first released it? I was sure I read that somewhere but I couldn't find it again.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    All of the Anovos TFA kits sold prior to the movie release went to 501st members. They were essentially "prototype" kits, sold to those most likely able to (1) work out the build kinks (there were no real build instructions - especially with the initial batch of 75 that were distributed pre-SWCA), and (2) provide free marketing to Anovos simply by wearing the kits out in public. Many of the lessons learned from the prototype kits were incorporated into the kits that are now being sold to the general public.

  9. Welcome. :)


    I see you have Garrison Tyranus listed under your avatar. Hopefully that means you've already begun the process for creating an account on the GT forum. ;)


    As for building a kit to your proportions, yes - it is possible. In fact, I actually did it for a member who is now in Florida. Without the benefit of a side-by-side photo, I'm willing to bet that the two of you are almost identical in build - you are certainly the same height and approximate weight. The key is to start off with a kit that can accommodate you (some are better suited for larger bodies than others), and go from there. There are other tricks of the trade, as you will learn from the Ladies of the Legion FB page.


    Once you get access to the GT forum, be on the lookout for events near you - armor parties in particular. :)

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