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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by TrooperJesse

  1. Here you are Alex http://tkproductsllc.net/product/icomm-imperial-communication-system/
  2. Damn, you got a point lol!. Man you have made me get the hyperfirm blaster (which I am happy about) and now your convincing me to go centurion haha! Gonna jump on that . Whenever you finish your build and are here in southern Cali we need to meet up!
  3. First get accepted by the 501st then I want to go for centurion later on down the road but for now 501st is my main priority. Yours?
  4. Proud of you man! Now I have my RT-MOD armor on the way but not approved yet. Jealous! Hahaha gratz!
  5. One question... How do you get approved and where do I go?
  6. Thanks guys! Ordered it late July and he told me I'd be sometime in December but just got the news today. I'm anxious to start! Going to post a lot of photos
  7. Rob sent me an email confirming my armor is ready to be shipped damn! I can not wait to start my build but at the same time it is scary! Can't wait. Thanks Rob!
  8. Columbiamo give me a shirt lol
  9. Yea I ordered my aker 12wt from amazon. It works great for me I love it! So far no troubles with the mic and even if I did I have plenty of mics laying around
  10. Man, I received my iCOMM device today and may I add that if you ever even considered ordering one I would say don't even second think it. Buy one! It's essential to finishing your troopers build.
  11. Oh nice I think I will be getting me a set as well
  12. Man thinking of getting me a mannequin would be nice just wouldn't want to wake up at night thinking its someone staring at me lol I think I'd grab my E-11 and toss it at them! Lol
  13. Sounds like a cluster frack hahaha. But very nice
  14. Was thinking of getting one of those. Ever think of putting it on a mannequin for display?
  15. Was wondering where do most of you store your armor after you troop. Any suggestions where to keep it safe? As well where do you store your ANH E-11 blaster?
  16. Glad I went the RT-MOD way instead. I ALMOST, went the same route with Jedi robe armor. Thank's to Whitearmor.net and all of these awesome members I chose Rob for my armor. Although the wait is extremely long ( or so it feels like an eternity ) It is worth the wait!. I still haven't received mine yet but my buddy did and man I am Jealous! .
  17. Was trying to find if anyone has posted of a template for an E-11 blaster build but I can't find any. Please help if you have any suggestions. Thanks a ton!
  18. I hope if you have ever done it while trooping you had some yoda pampers on
  19. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Damn, that was halarious.
  20. Now, how do you guys get the trading cards? Is it only if your in the 501st?
  21. 4 RT-Mod Kits here, I am waiting for mine. So far my wait time is until december so I can not wait! A little early xmas gift for myself . So far I have my neck seal (might be changing it) seems a little odd but For now it will do. I also have my under suit, Aker iCOMM for voice, ordered my TK boots which I will be receiving soon as well. My blaster, well that I have not thought of yet and lastly my holster also not sure when I will get that. Before going into this hobby I didn't realize how much money you can spend right away hahaha, but it will all be for a good cause. My Childhood DREAM! lol. Good luck on all of your guys build.
  22. I am sorry to say this but those boots shouldn't be worn for casual fridays lol. If it isn't with trooping those boots look ridiculous on any casual clothing hahaha! But I guess kudos to you
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