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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Darman

  1. I agree with the 2 men above. Back in the 90's I had a full latex Batman costume from the 3rd movie. Going to the hospital in that was the greatest joy. These are the events you never forget...and more importantly, neither do the kids. I stayed in contact with a couple of the kids via cards for years. One of the boys lost his battle with cancer, but the other one was doing well the last I heard. This is what it's all about. The amazing thing is, your giving back, but it's not like paying taxes or giving charities money. You giving something freely while enjoy doing it, so it doesn't seem like it cost you a thing.

  2. You know Darman, with all these tweaks her rig will probably end up looking better than yours. But then again, it's as it should be for our wives to look better than us ;-)



    A Men, brother. She is a reflection of me. I always want to help her look her best. I got the bells trimmed up and I reshaped the left thigh. I still need to reshape the right thigh. Hopefully today.

  3. She's a runner and has big thighs. I can't decrease the circumference any more. If you are reffering to the way they hang at the knees, I need to have them shaped some how. They are oval shaped at the knee and the long part of the oval is in the front and back. If I could get them reshaped to a circle or close, they would look fine. When I reshape them buy pushing them in the right shape while she is wearing them, they look great. Any suggestions?


    In regards to the chest: I have trimmed the top, but have been reluctant to trim the bottom because we will lose the roll under shape of the bottom of the chest. So you guys think I should go for it and cut the bottom? You said I will be swapping out the chest and belt. Why, and to what maker? Thanks for all your input.


    We knew that it would be challenging to get a TK on her and to look great, but we're up to the task. It's important that we get to do events together, side by side and not get separated because of character class.


    At some point, we still plan on building a RC, Darman, and Jedi, Etain. Or a Biker Scout and Mara Jade.


    Keep the advice coming and I'll keep you posted on the progress.

  4. Thanks guys! Thanks for the words of incoragement and also for all the great threads that are on this site that helped me out! Do yo need an address to send my decals to?


    On a side note: I have worked on 4 sets of TK so far,so I know my cousin will be requesting his Elite soon, (waiting on a helmet),, My wife just needs one pic, the butt plate split, and my brother may apply soon too.



    Again, thanks,



  5. All set Ian!


    Bobby - I updated your status earlier today as soon as I saw your profile updated :D


    BTW - of the previous half dozen or so folks almost all of you are new to the 501st. I'd like to congratulate you on achieving that milestone. That said, we do have this nifty detachment Elite program, and I'd encourage you to consider going after that brass ring as your time allows.


    Welcome guys!



    I built my armor to Elite Standards per the list. I think it's ready to have an inspection to see what I would need to do to it. Where do I go from here?




  6. Request 501st status changes here.


    NOTE: we (the site admins) will periodically check the list of people in this forums database against the list of 501st members as kept by the Legion COG. People will be added or dropped automatically, so it's a good idea to ensure that the email address you use for this board is the same you use in the Legion records. If you need your status adjusted in between database checks, please post here.

    NOTE: You must include a link to your 501st record as per below, else your request will be ignored:

    <a href="http://www.501st.com/members/displaymember...cfm?userID=6595" target="_blank">http://www.501st.com/members/displaymember...cfm?userID=6595</a>



    Request 501st access please. TK9356.







  7. Hey everyone,


    Greetings from Jacksonville, Fl. I've been working on my armor for a month or so and thought it was time to formally introduce myself. Bobby here, TK9356 as of 2 weeks ago. I will be doing my first official troop this weekend! I started of on this journey over a yaer ago with the hopes of doing a Republic Commando, and I will, still, if all goes well next year. I've gotten help from a couple of you guys already, thanks for the Hovi's and T Track. ;) Well, and of coarse the F/X armor and the AP bucket. Anyway....


    The really cool part of it all is I didn't do it alone, My wife, (TK9357 and by next year, Mara Jade), my brother, and my cousin have all built TK armor in the last month as well! We've even built my son a Jawa costume, complete w/blaster and Bought my daughter the 501st clone rubies with the full helmet and blaster. What a month! A special shout out to my squad for helping get us squared away. SQUAD 7, THANKS!


    Hopefully I will get to meet some of you at Star Wars Weekends.


    Her I am hanging out by the fire, I've gotten the sides closed up since the pic



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