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Everything posted by Dracos

  1. I've cut the flashing and sanded the edges, just started the glue. I am about 3 1/2 weeks in, though to be fair I only get a few hours here and a few hours there, with a half-day or two thrown into the mix on weekends. I find the process is very slow for me because I am constantly researching the pieces I am working on - probably spend as much time researching as I do actually working on the plastic. I am not familiar with most of the tools needed and while I am gaining experience slowly, I find that reading tool manuals and doing trial runs on scraps also take time. Maybe I'll make it up when I get to the sewing machine parts with the webbing and neckseal. I probably am not doing things the fastest way. I've found the concept of scoring and snapping to be far beyond the strength of my hands. Scoring turns into around 15-20 passes with an X-acto knife on a straight edge and I didn't even try with the curved surfaces - I just got out the dremel and cut it away that way though it means quite a bit of sanding afterwards. At first I wondered if I would be able to tell people that "Ã made" the outfit since technically I have not sculpted molds or vac-formed anything. Now I am realizing that there is still quite a bit of work inherent in this kit. And I will be pretty tickled when it all comes together. Kinda wondering what the average build times are out there - though I know that there is probably a lot of factors that go into it - from the type of armor to the experience of the builder. Still it might be useful information for those who are looking into building their own TK.
  2. Some of this has to do with body build and shape too. I'm 5'11" about 180. ATA is perfect for my height. I am a little pear shaped though. This means that I am not having to shim arms or legs, but the jury is out on the torso pieces. It will be a tight fit once I get it put together on the webbing. Ah well, stormtrooper diet here I come. . . .
  3. LOL - Mrs. Stormtrooper. Heh I can so see that happening to me - though oddly enough I'm the one who wants armor. My husband isn't dragging me into this - though I'm hoping that in a few years I might be able to drag him in. . . .
  4. There's good information here. I'm surprised at how many folks don't use fans. Maybe I'll try my helmet out to see if they are needed before I make that particular purchase and modification. . . .
  5. OK - probably none of the actual screen versions had computer fans or mini fans installed. After all - the screen versions were needed for short periods of time, unlike some of the costume events that the 501st holds which, in the case of parades, may demand that the armor be kept on for several hours at a crack. Do I'm wondering what modifications others out there have found the most useful? So far my list includes: fans voice (because it is nice to talk and sound like the movies) gloves - the rubber ones are a little uncomfortable and sweaty for longer troops ?? I wonder what other modifications have been made that keep the overall integrity of the gear, but help out in those little ways? Has anyone ever converted the thermal detonator to carry your wallet? Has anyone managed to conceal some type of rubber canteen bladder under the plates and run a drinking straw into the helmet? has any one designed their black underwear with a trapdoor to handle emergency washroom runs? (I'm not trying to be silly - one of the things that has crossed my mind recently has been just how hard a washroom break could be - I know you want to drink enough to keep hydrated, but I am also guessing that one doesn't want to drink too much. . . . ) So for those of you who have experience, what modifications would you always do again?
  6. Well, after some research I decided to post back here just in case it is helpful for others in the future. The top two sound systems out there tend to be the iComm and the rom/fx. The iComm has a great static click and the plug and play is very attractive - options you can choose include point to talk or voice activated. It however doesn't alter your voice, though with the Aker system in place it can amplify it. The rom/fx has options to distort the voice a little and it can lower the pitch a bit, but in the end even with those alterations you will have to change your voice yourself in order to not sound female. Currently I'm not seeing much out there that is in a reasonable price range or that doesn't include wiring and circuitry skills that are beyond my ability. So that means that the whole voice issue comes down to my own ability to sound masculine. While it would've been a nice option, I can also understand why it isn't readily available. Stormtroopers are a niche market. Add to that the percentage of female troopers, and trim that down to those of us who really want anonymity. . . . hehe yup. I may end up sounding like myself simply because while I'd be willing to pay out an extra couple hundred dollars for a system that does what I want, I'm not sure that I'm willing to shout myself hoarse or continually attempt to mask my own voice by dropping it down. For me that's probably going to sound weird no matter what. Some folks have varying abilities to do vocals. My ability is on one side of that bell curve opposite of Robin Williams on the other. I do like the option of being able to plug an ipod into the system to play sound effects (and the Imperial March) so I will probably end up with the iComm, since none of the options have actual voice masking, other items on the checklist start coming into play and for the price point I figure the iComm is where I'll head.
  7. Thanks for understanding! And for the sense of humor. I'm not totally sure that mine came through in the former post. Heh, and I'll take the cod advice to heart. I have no desire to experience armor bite in the southern regions.
  8. I'm glad that this forum is here, not due to all of the "be yourself" comments so much as the fact that other female troopers have asked the question too. I genuinely appreciate the acceptance displayed, but find it odd in a community dedicated to getting all the details exact, that a desire to not stick out is not quite understood. I am who I am and I'm just as proud as many others but I intend to HIDE right along with all the guys who don white plastic masks that cover up their identities.
  9. Yeah, I'm looking into the different sound systems right now. I like the iComm, but am also looking at Rom fx. . . . It sounds like the latter might have ways to lower the pitch - if it does - well, I may head that way. Still unsure of it yet though.
  10. Some of the places I want to use my armor include venues with a lot of kids. Including my own. While the guys over at the 501st think it is cool to have a girl behind the face plate, my kids would rather that it not look like mom came along for the ride. One of the wonderful things about Stormtroopers are their absolute anonymity. I'd like to continue that through with some sort of digital masking on the mic.
  11. Is there any options that digitally alter your voice? Girl trooper here and I don't want to be immediately recognized as such every time I talk. . . .
  12. I have learned something new for the day! Doesn't take long to do that around here. Thanks for the assist!
  13. Is there something you can get to mask a higher pitched voice? Some digital voice changer of some type?
  14. OK - what is suggested for the opposite problem? I have a very small head - as in the very last prong on an adjustable ball cap. I am 5'10" so I am also trying to figure out what looks proportional - figuring that I can put more padding in if necessary. I don't particularly like the larger helmets and would like to avoid them, but I haven't yet been able to put my finger on which ones are larger and which ones are narrower. Is it a particular sculpt or is it the difference between stunt and hero? Heh, while I'm on the topic, I have wondered a little about color matching. If I wanted to upgrade to a TM helmet down the road what armor should I be looking for to match that eventuality? Sorry for all of the ?'s I hope I'm not being redundant. If there is a thread I should read, please re-direct. . . .
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