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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by jnnfr72

  1. Hey Bud!

    Thanks you for the help and I hope to not let ya down! :) Nope, won't cut the bells. I just had blue painters tape holding up the biceps. They (BICEPS) are a bit loose, so if you guys think I need to take em apart and re-size them, I will... but I hope they look ok. I know... probably need to judge that when all is strapped and done. I was going to do what I did for my biceps, and e6000 black elastic inside the bell and have that keep the bicep in place, but I will make the hook instead. I saw BIDS has that hook, also. Yay - new Tutorial!!!


    I agree, don't cut the bells!


    The biceps look pretty far up, are they snapped in yet? The best bet, especially for tall, monkey armed troopers so to try to get the biceps down as far as possible. It is more accurate, plus helps to reduce the blackhole space at the elbow.


    The best bet is to do it the screen accurate way, take a 1inch strip of abs about 4-6inches long, it can be scrap, doesn't matter as most of it will be hidden. To make the hooks you will heat the last 1/2 inch and fold it over to create the hook. The hook should be just enough to catch the elastic band you have going around the inside of your shoulder bells.


    Once you have the hook formed, apply E6000 generously on the 'fingerprint' inside the bicep. This spot was raised up to give a good flat spot to attach the hook to. Now you won't need the snaps as the bicep hook will catch on the shoulder bell strap.


    Overall, what this does is lets the outside edge of the bicep 'sag' a little. It won't come out of the bell, but it will pull down a little since the fulcrum is on the other side.


    I used snaps on my biceps first, but after my first troop, they kept coming unsnapped if I moved to much due to the difference in levels between the two snaps, I made some hooks.


    I will make a picture tutorial in a few hours on how to make hooks! I'll link it once I get it done. Just to provide some help to others looking to do this.

  2. I accidentally glued the shin velcro to the wrong side.. but I figured it out after an hour. :P That's drying, and the re-glued knee plate is drying, got my last cover strip on a thigh drying. Bought some snaps yesterday for the canvas belt and the plastic belt and then might start the 6 side rivet attachment to the belly today. I need to make lots and lots of snaps. I was thinking of brackets, but I just can't see myself doing that now. Maybe later... or maybe Greg will re-do them? I don't see that happening, but ya never know? He could do a better job than me, but he isn't interested too much. Well, he is a bit, but I'm not stopping until this sucker is done and EI approved. He can take over Centurion, but that's up to him.



    Please don't cut the bells. Ok, sounds good, and Danke!


    Yes please glue the knee plate back on. I suggest e-6000 because it isn't as brittle as the CA glue. My CA glued knee came apart easily even after scuffing the area a bit. Yar, I concur. I re-glued with E-six million today. [E600,000,000 is the cheaper off brand of E6000.]


    And on the thighs... I wouldn't trim too much off until the whole kit is together and strapped. That way if you need to reshape or taper you will be able to be a sense of where/how it sits on him. WHOOOOOPS. Let's hope I did a good job. (yikes!!!!)


    Otherwise it looks good for the blue tape phase.


    How did you attach the belt to the.. Belt? I blue taped that sucker to that sucker!



  3. ---------------




    Grumpy Cat said your garrison's photographer didn't want to read the 2 inch thick book on her camera and her evil twin is no longer allowed to fill in as her backup. :P [i'll be calling in that prescription to the cvs pharmacy.] The side effects of that med includes blurred vision, flash lighting sensitivity, numb fingertips, and dry mouth.

  4. UPDATES on thighs.


    I want to cut off this overlap on the bottom left thigh. I don't think I need it. I can make ABS paste and fill in the crack, correct? Anybody think I shoudl keep the overlap? :)




    overlap pic...




    Right thigh: I was originally going to make cuts where the black marker is, but then decided I wanted to remove the raised part on the outter right back thigh. So, I made dotted lines where I want my new cut to be. The right pencil line on the outter thigh will be the edge of the cover strip.



    I then decided that I needed to move a half a cover strip over on the inner right thigh and my left black marker line will now be the outter edge of the cover strip, and then I made a new black marker cut line. Yes, I'm confused too and I hope I don't mess this up! :)


  5. I emailed Rob a few years back, and he was so nice, and I do LOVE his armor. :) Hubby was stoked last night at the progress, but then after the 15th time I had him retry on the left thigh he seemed to agree to anything so I would leave him alone. I'll get some more work and pics with the armor on in a few days and I DO appreciate the feedback. :salute: I'm a bit worried that the sniper plate will fall off, but I've got more glue. Lots more glue!

  6. Hey Tom!

    Good to see you on FISD. I have AP, too and and now building my hubby an RT Mod. I'm knee deep in E6000 and haven't even started the strapping. :) My grandpa use to tell me and my brother and sister stories like that, too. That's so cool. Hope you can pass them onto your kids. Have fun with your re-builds! Cheers, Jenny

  7. Thanks, Jim! Let's get your dad out trooping, too! :)


    I've got some updates.


    Right thigh:






    Going toi heat bend the belt a wee tiny bit... I lost a pair of paint stir sticks from my build. oops




    I only used super glue on the sniper plate. HOW'S the ALIGNMENT LOOK????? :)




    The cover strips for the backs of the shins are in place and I need to get the velcro attached.

















    Back (and upside down) L thigh. I made the cut and have a cover strip on the inside.




    My paint job looks like poop.




    This Left thigh has been giving me fits all day. I tried the boiling water for 5 mins to make the front bottom knee area more round instead of narrow. It didn't really work, so I might try some more heat and squishing later. I don't want to warp it, but the narrow knee is pinching the hubby.




    Thanks for looking and let me know if there's something I can fix now instead of waiting until later! :)

  8. Very nice Mark, Dari, Jim and Rick!


    Here's the Riley's Children's Hosp Toy Drive from 12.3.12 (Scotty's Lakehouse)




    Ewan let me know from the start that he doesn't like photographers.




    Lisa - Leia, Matt - Rebel Scum, and Ewan - Son of Matt




    Mark's trying to steal a cheeseburger, but we caught him.




    They had just ordered the Blue Milk from the bar.




    Wife of Jim - Susie and hubby Jim. She's works for Disney... coincidence? I've got several conspiracy theories... :)




    Why is Rebel MAtt making that face, Mark?!!!




    Poor little Leia is hiding behind other Mark's hose. Those dang Tie Pilots. Can't take em anywhere.





    Leia's not digging the Rebel's gang signs.



    The bloodfin garrison sure has a super awesome photographer. They're so lucky, imho!




    What's all this love between Rebels and Tie Pilots???



    TK Jim securing the perimeter.



    Extreme Close Up of Marcus.



    Something's wrong with the Jawa. Hope they get him fixed.




    Evil twin snuck in for a picture. Oh, ok - I made him pose.




    He was surprised other TK's don't name their blasters.



    Looks like I caught them trying to poison the Princess..?!




    This TK is so fast, he's just a blur.




    TK Jim and future SHADOWTROOPER, also Jim!




    All the girls love the Princess!



    The Princess is ready to make her recording. She needs a cheeseburger, and we're her only hope. [No pickles] Sorry, Pickles!



    Why is that dang Officer always late? Only showing up when the party is half way over.




    That Jawa really doesn't like the paparazzi.




    I think a famous celebrity stopped to pose with the bloodfin garrison. Wow - nice officer boots.




    That Evil twin brother seems to be making me mad. He better not break my camera.




    Evil twin is a little too hammy with Leia. I'll have a talk with him.




    Marks's not taking a break, but looks like everybody else is. Time to crack the whip, Mark! Lord Vader would not be pleased.



    Target practice for the TK's!




    Trying to recruit the youth to the Dark Side of the Force.




    We finally talked the Jawa into "taking care" of his Rebel father. Bout time that little Jawa got with the program.



    Another good troop for the Bloodfin Garrison and many toys were collected over several nights. Good job guys and Princess! :)


  9. Hi Ron,

    I really shouldn't have used the words I did, and I was trying to be silly, but I'm not very funny. I don't really think that spouses should force each other into anything. I've been married 14 years, so I know 1st hand that does not work. :) And, especially because I'm female (maybe not quuite a lady), I really am against any kind of force on another lady. too. I apologize for being rude, but it really was from my ignorance and not meant to be offensive. I'm glad that your wife and you have a shared interest. Congrats on your Vader! Jenny


    Force my wife? Never. Ask her? Yes. When she refused, I honored her choice.


    Now having said that, she is slowly (mind you I am still new to the 501st - and my costume is Vader) coming around to the idea of dressing up / Cosplay in general. She sees the good and is beginning to see "why we troop". But I would never force her to dress up.

  10. Thanks Eric! I will get his droopy diaper-cod scooted up. Can Greg fly over to meet these girls? He was more interested in the girls' stockings than the armor. :P Anyway, I'll move the chest and back up, and get some more pictures in a few days. Those are good pics - even then ones without cute girls in them. Thanks for helping us!


    Scoot the ab/cod up and the chest will come up... so will the kidney to meet the back. You can see in the butt shot that its all hanging too low like a saggy ABS diaper. What happens with the tall dudes is that the space between the ab buttons and the bottom edge of the chest is quite large compared to the ones you see on screen. It's better to have the chest up properly I think.


    Here are a couple blatantly narcissistic photos of me and the placement of my chest... I actually think my ab/cod is a little low in these photos. I may need to shorten the elastic between chest and ab a bit to lower the chest and raise the ab. Oh and my drop box elastics were hot glued on right before we arrived and also hang too low. That's been corrected.








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