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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Posts posted by Necron

  1. But hasn't the recent voting on the Centurion requirements changed how we have to do the side gaps now with the vote to take the word "ideally" out of the Centurion CRL.


    For level three certification (if applicable):

    • Ideally there should be no gap between the ab and kidney plates, just a single visible seam line.

    So this would read now: There should be no gap between the ab and kidney plates, just a single visible seam line.


    I'm just curious if this was the intent of the recent vote or just an oversight in trying to clean up the CRL's?

  2. We have a shadow trooper that's 5'0" and she looks just fine in AM armor, just needed a lot of trimming and a smaller helmet to make it all work. Of course she still gets all the "short for a stormtrooper" comments and sometimes gets called Vader from time to time (still haven't figured out why). I have to say it depends more on girth than height for picking out a kit. Just my two cents.

  3. Thanks, everyone! Glad to know my thinking was not insane. Trust me... it goes that way sometimes.


    If you're still paying attention to this thread - anyone have any tips on how to diminish some of the seams in the rubber? It seems if you sand you get... sanded rubber.


    I've had some luck with a x-acto knife. Other than that I'm still looking for the holy grail of techniques.

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