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Posts posted by Eric

  1. Your rivets looked like they need painting. ;)



    i know... i'll be painting them in the near future... newbie mistake. i thought they were supposed to be there for screen accuracy. lol. their not even real rivets, just a cosmetic thing... but naturally there's a hole there now, small but true one. but i'll be painting a lot of white when my commlink casts are complete so i'll just dot my rivets then :P


    Awesome job. I would've approved you just due to the fact you took your pics in front of a Dick Tracy Poster, so full of win ;)


    THANK YOU!! i was wondering how long it'd take for someone to notice. lol. especially my action shot where it's like im bout to shoot someone and Dick Tracy is shooting someone already. lol.

  2. You should be able to pick up some Melatonin (at least her in the US you can). It makes you drowsy and it's over the counter, at most grocery stores. Not garunteed to make you sleep but it helps if you don't have prescription meds.


    melatonin helps and can be great, but for me... i find that if i dont fall asleep when taking it within about 30 min, i'll be up for hours. what i do (bare with me, it's a lil unorthodox. lol) i put about 12 drops of ether in a shot glass and fill with water. it'll eliminate any cough that might bother you, helps with any bronchial infection and helps you sleep... but the first few times take only like 6 or so drops until you know about how much your body needs to sleep. if you take too much it can mess with you in the morning. lol :P

  3. you know, i've been wondering myself. but same time, every so often "reality" takes hold and some of us disappear from the boards. i know i had to take a rather long break from here at one point. i hope he's well and comes back soon.

  4. everything now appears to be in order.. APPROVED! and great work trooper :salute:



    happy.gif you have no idea how happy that makes me laugh.gif


    Looks great Eric, be proud of that armor build!



    thank you good sir sleep.gif


    Now you need some flexible hand guards... I think Mason will tell you about your prize....


    smile.gif well their on my shopping list of things to get for centurion... if only i knew where to get a good pair. ;) lol. i'll be ordering a pair in the near future. :)

  5. i'll get the paint and take care of the rivet look tomorrow, but i thought that was supposed to look riveted? lol. it's actually not, i just added that look because i coulda sworn it was supposed to be like that. lol. darned newbie mistake from way back in the day. and actually, i just so happened to have a good hair day....





    their not all one piece. just happened to have my belt over the seem at the time. i didn't notice. :P

  6. ok so i know it took about forever minus a day... but my time has FINALLY came :)


    my suit is AM

    boot are TKboots

    belt is TKittle

    guns is a scratch build

    helmet is an RTmod

    and... mannequin goes by the name Eric. lol...


    ok so to start with the pics....















    who the...







    my ugly mug



    just in case... the "D" ring



    and my vision doesnt see green so i modified my helmet to help with that laugh.gif



    well i hope that's all the shots i need. my buddy takes forever to take a shot that isn't blurry. lol. so if i need more pics, it'll be about 3 days per pic needed. this is the reason why it took so long to get these pics up. :P haha.


    thanks for looking cool.gif


    oh and yes their free floating... forgot to take a close up while suited up, so i hope this works :P


  7. welcome along :) i agree, you'd make a stellar vader :P lol. good choice in armor. there's many types out there and many are great.... i too have AM so i'm biased. lol read all you can and ask all the questions you can think of... nobody has yet to ask repeat questions or "stupid" ones, so just let loose. ;)

  8. Great Idea Eric and I hope to meet you at All-Con. See you there my brother! Think I will add this to mine before this weekend too.



    TK-7435, TD-7435


    thanks man. :) good luck with the build if you do it.


    i'll be there late friday and suited up saturday. if you see me friday, you'll know it's me by my ghost-busters over shirt. haha :P

  9. yeah, i was careful with the magnets and never let them close for too long. i've got a few stash spots for different things, but none are very accessible. figured a quick reach into the thigh would be a better spot than my others as far as ease of reach. and i'm not too much into having a pouch on my belt. no real reason... i just only can see sandies with pouches and i think they'd look odd on me.

  10. i often find myself wanting a camera at times while suited up, and never have anywhere to put it... i'll be going to All-Con this weekend and i'll be on a cruise afterwards, something tells me i'll be wanting my camera while suited up. so i thought i'd fabricate a holster for it in my armor and the thigh was the best place that i could think of.


    thought that maybe some other troopers might have similar scenarios, so i figured i'd post a build thread on how i did it. hope it helps or maybe just seems cool or w/e. lol



    i figured that it'd need to have some support type framing to keep it away from the wall of the thigh when the camera isn't in it, so i made small shims and curved their ends. plus i thought a curved tab for the top to help guide the camera in place would come in handy. the tab i had to bend lengthwise so i made that bend before cutting it. the sides got scared but that's fine since their getting cut off. i didnt have a heat gun so i used a lighter. worked rather well when done right.






    a general lay out to give you an idea where i'm going with this...




    the camera is that red thing with the FISD sticker on it... here's what it looks like when open... :P




    anyways. moving on.

    i glued the elastic bands together and drew where i'd glue it to the armor.

    i marked lines for where i'd apply the glue.

    chose elastic so it'd give a little while i'm accessing the camera and put the soft velcro bits on there because it's a touch screen and thought it'd be a good idea.




    the plastic pieces i sandwiched between the elastic so they would be held better...




    then the gluing :P




    aftermath once assembled...






    then i had to rip out some of my foam padding so i could get it in place... and glue it down. wrapped the camera in plastic wrap in case any stray glue got to it. lol.




    the long annoying wait for everything to dry.... and then the completed product... theres a spot to the left of the camera on the top strap where i missed the gluing, but it just gives a little extra slack and doesnt negatively effect anything, but still came out great i think.






    there's a dark spot on my elastic.. darned magnets. lol.


    anyways. it's easy to access, yet i can carry it without people being able to see it less they knew where it's at and tried. lol....


    hope you enjoyed the pics... i know there's a bunch, but i thought the more the better, in case someone builds it and wanted good step by step

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